Thorin 1.9.0
The Higher ORder INtermediate representation
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include <thorin/normalize.h>
8namespace thorin::plug::core {
10namespace {
12// clang-format off
13// See for static_assert trick below.
14template<class Id, Id id, nat_t w>
15Res fold(u64 a, u64 b, [[maybe_unused]] bool nsw, [[maybe_unused]] bool nuw) {
16 using ST = w2s<w>;
17 using UT = w2u<w>;
18 auto s = thorin::bitcast<ST>(a), t = thorin::bitcast<ST>(b);
19 auto u = thorin::bitcast<UT>(a), v = thorin::bitcast<UT>(b);
21 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, wrap>) {
22 if constexpr (id == wrap::add) {
23 auto res = u + v;
24 if (nuw && res < u) return {};
25 // TODO nsw
26 return res;
27 } else if constexpr (id == wrap::sub) {
28 auto res = u - v;
29 // TODO nsw
30 return res;
31 } else if constexpr (id == wrap::mul) {
32 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<UT, bool>)
33 return UT(u & v);
34 else
35 return UT(u * v);
36 } else if constexpr (id == wrap::shl) {
37 if (b >= w) return {};
38 decltype(u) res;
39 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<UT, bool>)
40 res = bool(u64(u) << u64(v));
41 else
42 res = u << v;
43 if (nuw && res < u) return {};
44 if (nsw && get_sign(u) != get_sign(res)) return {};
45 return res;
46 } else {
47 []<bool flag = false>() { static_assert(flag, "missing sub tag"); }();
48 }
49 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, shr>) {
50 if (b >= w) return {};
51 if constexpr (false) {}
52 else if constexpr (id == shr::a) return s >> t;
53 else if constexpr (id == shr::l) return u >> v;
54 else []<bool flag = false>() { static_assert(flag, "missing sub tag"); }();
55 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, div>) {
56 if (b == 0) return {};
57 if constexpr (false) {}
58 else if constexpr (id == div::sdiv) return s / t;
59 else if constexpr (id == div::udiv) return u / v;
60 else if constexpr (id == div::srem) return s % t;
61 else if constexpr (id == div::urem) return u % v;
62 else []<bool flag = false>() { static_assert(flag, "missing sub tag"); }();
63 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, icmp>) {
64 bool res = false;
65 auto pm = !(u >> UT(w - 1)) && (v >> UT(w - 1));
66 auto mp = (u >> UT(w - 1)) && !(v >> UT(w - 1));
67 res |= ((id & icmp::Xygle) != icmp::f) && pm;
68 res |= ((id & icmp::xYgle) != icmp::f) && mp;
69 res |= ((id & icmp::xyGle) != icmp::f) && u > v && !mp;
70 res |= ((id & icmp::xygLe) != icmp::f) && u < v && !pm;
71 res |= ((id & icmp::xyglE) != icmp::f) && u == v;
72 return res;
73 } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, extrema>) {
74 if constexpr (false) {}
75 else if(id == extrema::sm) return std::min(u, v);
76 else if(id == extrema::Sm) return std::min(s, t);
77 else if(id == extrema::sM) return std::max(u, v);
78 else if(id == extrema::SM) return std::max(s, t);
79 } else {
80 []<bool flag = false>() { static_assert(flag, "missing tag"); }();
81 }
83// clang-format on
85// Note that @p a and @p b are passed by reference as fold also commutes if possible.
86template<class Id, Id id> Ref fold(World& world, Ref type, const Def*& a, const Def*& b, Ref mode = {}) {
87 if (a->isa<Bot>() || b->isa<Bot>()) return;
89 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a)) {
90 if (auto lb = Lit::isa(b)) {
91 auto size = Lit::as(Idx::size(a->type()));
92 auto width = Idx::size2bitwidth(size);
93 bool nsw = false, nuw = false;
94 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, wrap>) {
95 auto m = mode ? Lit::as(mode) : 0_n;
96 nsw = m & Mode::nsw;
97 nuw = m & Mode::nuw;
98 }
100 Res res;
101 switch (width) {
102#define CODE(i) \
103 case i: res = fold<Id, id, i>(*la, *lb, nsw, nuw); break;
105#undef CODE
106 default:
107 // TODO this is super rough but at least better than just bailing out
108 res = fold<Id, id, 64>(*la, *lb, false, false);
109 if (res && !std::is_same_v<Id, icmp>) *res %= size;
110 }
112 return res ? world.lit(type, *res) :;
113 }
114 }
117 return nullptr;
120template<class Id, nat_t w> Res fold(u64 a, [[maybe_unused]] bool nsw, [[maybe_unused]] bool nuw) {
121 using ST = w2s<w>;
122 auto s = thorin::bitcast<ST>(a);
124 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, abs>) {
125 return std::abs(s);
126 } else {
127 []<bool flag = false>() { static_assert(flag, "missing tag"); }
128 ();
129 }
132template<class Id> Ref fold(World& world, Ref type, const Def*& a) {
133 if (a->isa<Bot>()) return;
135 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a)) {
136 auto size = Lit::as(Idx::size(a->type()));
137 auto width = Idx::size2bitwidth(size);
138 bool nsw = false, nuw = false;
139 Res res;
140 switch (width) {
141#define CODE(i) \
142 case i: res = fold<Id, i>(*la, nsw, nuw); break;
144#undef CODE
145 default:
146 res = fold<Id, 64>(*la, false, false);
147 if (res && !std::is_same_v<Id, icmp>) *res %= size;
148 }
150 return res ? world.lit(type, *res) :;
151 }
152 return nullptr;
155/// Reassociates @p a and @p b according to following rules.
156/// We use the following naming convention while literals are prefixed with an `l`:
157/// ```
158/// a op b
159/// (x op y) op (z op w)
161/// (1) la op (lz op w) -> (la op lz) op w
162/// (2) (lx op y) op (lz op w) -> (lx op lz) op (y op w)
163/// (3) a op (lz op w) -> lz op (a op w)
164/// (4) (lx op y) op b -> lx op (y op b)
165/// ```
166template<class Id> Ref reassociate(Id id, World& world, [[maybe_unused]] const App* ab, Ref a, Ref b) {
167 if (!is_associative(id)) return nullptr;
169 auto xy = match<Id>(id, a);
170 auto zw = match<Id>(id, b);
171 auto la = a->isa<Lit>();
172 auto [x, y] = xy ? xy->template args<2>() : std::array<const Def*, 2>{nullptr, nullptr};
173 auto [z, w] = zw ? zw->template args<2>() : std::array<const Def*, 2>{nullptr, nullptr};
174 auto lx = Lit::isa(x);
175 auto lz = Lit::isa(z);
177 // if we reassociate, we have to forget about nsw/nuw
178 auto make_op = [&world, id](Ref a, Ref b) { return, Mode::none, Defs{a, b}); };
180 if (la && lz) return make_op(make_op(a, z), w); // (1)
181 if (lx && lz) return make_op(make_op(x, z), make_op(y, w)); // (2)
182 if (lz) return make_op(z, make_op(a, w)); // (3)
183 if (lx) return make_op(x, make_op(y, b)); // (4)
184 return nullptr;
187template<class Id> Ref merge_cmps(std::array<std::array<u64, 2>, 2> tab, Ref a, Ref b) {
188 static_assert(sizeof(sub_t) == 1, "if this ever changes, please adjust the logic below");
189 static constexpr size_t num_bits = std::bit_width(Annex::Num<Id> - 1_u64);
191 auto& world = a->world();
192 auto a_cmp = match<Id>(a);
193 auto b_cmp = match<Id>(b);
195 if (a_cmp && b_cmp && a_cmp->arg() == b_cmp->arg()) {
196 // push sub bits of a_cmp and b_cmp through truth table
197 sub_t res = 0;
198 sub_t a_sub = a_cmp.sub();
199 sub_t b_sub = b_cmp.sub();
200 for (size_t i = 0; i != num_bits; ++i, res >>= 1, a_sub >>= 1, b_sub >>= 1)
201 res |= tab[a_sub & 1][b_sub & 1] << 7_u8;
202 res >>= (7_u8 - u8(num_bits));
204 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Id, math::cmp>)
205 return, /*mode*/ a_cmp->decurry()->arg(), a_cmp->arg());
206 else
207 return<icmp> | res), a_cmp->arg());
208 }
210 return nullptr;
213} // namespace
215template<nat id> Ref normalize_nat(Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg) {
216 auto& world = type->world();
217 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
218 if (is_commutative(id)) commute(a, b);
219 auto la = Lit::isa(a);
220 auto lb = Lit::isa(b);
222 if (la) {
223 if (lb) {
224 switch (id) {
225 case nat::add: return world.lit_nat(*la + *lb);
226 case nat::sub: return *la < *lb ? world.lit_nat_0() : world.lit_nat(*la - *lb);
227 case nat::mul: return world.lit_nat(*la * *lb);
228 }
229 }
231 if (*la == 0) {
232 switch (id) {
233 case nat::add: return b;
234 case nat::sub: return a; // 0 - b = 0
235 case nat::mul: return a; // 0 * b = 0
236 }
237 }
239 if (*la == 1 && id == nat::mul) return b; // 1 * b = b
240 }
242 if (lb && *lb == 0 && id == nat::sub) return a; // a - 0 = a
244 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
247template<ncmp id> Ref normalize_ncmp(Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg) {
248 auto& world = type->world();
250 if (id == ncmp::t) return world.lit_tt();
251 if (id == ncmp::f) return world.lit_ff();
253 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
254 if (is_commutative(id)) commute(a, b);
256 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a)) {
257 if (auto lb = Lit::isa(b)) {
258 // clang-format off
259 switch (id) {
260 case ncmp:: e: return world.lit_nat(*la == *lb);
261 case ncmp::ne: return world.lit_nat(*la != *lb);
262 case ncmp::l : return world.lit_nat(*la < *lb);
263 case ncmp::le: return world.lit_nat(*la <= *lb);
264 case ncmp::g : return world.lit_nat(*la > *lb);
265 case ncmp::ge: return world.lit_nat(*la >= *lb);
266 default: fe::unreachable();
267 }
268 // clang-format on
269 }
270 }
272 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
275template<icmp id> Ref normalize_icmp(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
276 auto& world = type->world();
277 auto callee = c->as<App>();
278 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
280 if (auto result = fold<icmp, id>(world, type, a, b)) return result;
281 if (id == icmp::f) return world.lit_ff();
282 if (id == icmp::t) return world.lit_tt();
283 if (a == b) {
284 if (id & (icmp::e & 0xff)) return world.lit_tt();
285 if (id == icmp::ne) return world.lit_ff();
286 }
288 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
291template<extrema id> Ref normalize_extrema(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
292 auto& world = type->world();
293 auto callee = c->as<App>();
294 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
295 if (auto result = fold<extrema, id>(world, type, a, b)) return result;
296 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
299Ref normalize_abs(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
300 auto& world = type->world();
301 auto callee = c->as<App>();
302 auto [mem, a] = arg->projs<2>();
303 auto [_, actual_type] = type->projs<2>();
304 auto make_res = [&, mem = mem](Ref res) { return world.tuple({mem, res}); };
306 if (auto result = fold<abs>(world, actual_type, a)) return make_res(result);
307 return world.raw_app(type, callee, arg);
310template<bit1 id> Ref normalize_bit1(Ref type, Ref c, Ref a) {
311 auto& world = type->world();
312 auto callee = c->as<App>();
313 auto s = callee->decurry()->arg();
314 // TODO cope with wrap around
316 if constexpr (id == bit1::id) return a;
318 if (auto ls = Lit::isa(s)) {
319 switch (id) {
320 case bit1::f: return world.lit_idx(*ls, 0);
321 case bit1::t: return world.lit_idx(*ls, *ls - 1_u64);
322 case bit1::id: fe::unreachable();
323 default: break;
324 }
326 assert(id == bit1::neg);
327 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a)) return world.lit_idx_mod(*ls, ~*la);
328 }
330 return world.raw_app(type, callee, a);
333template<bit2 id> Ref normalize_bit2(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
334 auto& world = type->world();
335 auto callee = c->as<App>();
336 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
337 auto s = callee->decurry()->arg();
338 auto ls = Lit::isa(s);
339 // TODO cope with wrap around
341 if (is_commutative(id)) commute(a, b);
343 auto tab = make_truth_table(id);
344 if (auto res = merge_cmps<icmp>(tab, a, b)) return res;
345 if (auto res = merge_cmps<math::cmp>(tab, a, b)) return res;
347 auto la = Lit::isa(a);
348 auto lb = Lit::isa(b);
350 // clang-format off
351 switch (id) {
352 case bit2:: f: return world.lit(type, 0);
353 case bit2:: t: if (ls) return world.lit(type, *ls-1_u64); break;
354 case bit2:: fst: return a;
355 case bit2:: snd: return b;
356 case bit2:: nfst: return, s, a);
357 case bit2:: nsnd: return, s, b);
358 case bit2:: ciff: return iff, s, Defs{b, a});
359 case bit2::nciff: return, s, Defs{b, a});
360 default: break;
361 }
363 if (la && lb && ls) {
364 switch (id) {
365 case bit2::and_: return world.lit_idx (*ls, *la & *lb);
366 case bit2:: or_: return world.lit_idx (*ls, *la | *lb);
367 case bit2::xor_: return world.lit_idx (*ls, *la ^ *lb);
368 case bit2::nand: return world.lit_idx_mod(*ls, ~(*la & *lb));
369 case bit2:: nor: return world.lit_idx_mod(*ls, ~(*la | *lb));
370 case bit2::nxor: return world.lit_idx_mod(*ls, ~(*la ^ *lb));
371 case bit2:: iff: return world.lit_idx_mod(*ls, ~ *la | *lb);
372 case bit2::niff: return world.lit_idx (*ls, *la & ~*lb);
373 default: fe::unreachable();
374 }
375 }
377 // TODO rewrite using bit2
378 auto unary = [&](bool x, bool y, Ref a) -> Ref {
379 if (!x && !y) return world.lit(type, 0);
380 if ( x && y) return ls ? world.lit(type, *ls-1_u64) : nullptr;
381 if (!x && y) return a;
382 if ( x && !y && id != bit2::xor_) return, s, a);
383 return nullptr;
384 };
385 // clang-format on
387 if (is_commutative(id) && a == b) {
388 if (auto res = unary(tab[0][0], tab[1][1], a)) return res;
389 }
391 if (la) {
392 if (*la == 0) {
393 if (auto res = unary(tab[0][0], tab[0][1], b)) return res;
394 } else if (ls && *la == *ls - 1_u64) {
395 if (auto res = unary(tab[1][0], tab[1][1], b)) return res;
396 }
397 }
399 if (lb) {
400 if (*lb == 0) {
401 if (auto res = unary(tab[0][0], tab[1][0], a)) return res;
402 } else if (ls && *lb == *ls - 1_u64) {
403 if (auto res = unary(tab[0][1], tab[1][1], a)) return res;
404 }
405 }
407 if (auto res = reassociate<bit2>(id, world, callee, a, b)) return res;
409 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
412Ref normalize_idx(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
413 auto& world = type->world();
414 auto callee = c->as<App>();
415 if (auto i = Lit::isa(arg)) {
416 if (auto s = Lit::isa(Idx::size(type))) {
417 if (*i < *s) return world.lit_idx(*s, *i);
418 if (auto m = Lit::isa(callee->arg())) return *m ? : world.lit_idx_mod(*s, *i);
419 }
420 }
422 return world.raw_app(type, c, arg);
425template<shr id> Ref normalize_shr(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
426 auto& world = type->world();
427 auto callee = c->as<App>();
428 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
429 auto s = Idx::size(arg->type());
430 auto ls = Lit::isa(s);
432 if (auto result = fold<shr, id>(world, type, a, b)) return result;
434 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a); la && *la == 0) {
435 switch (id) {
436 case shr::a: return a;
437 case shr::l: return a;
438 }
439 }
441 if (auto lb = Lit::isa(b)) {
442 if (ls && *lb > *ls) return;
444 if (*lb == 0) {
445 switch (id) {
446 case shr::a: return a;
447 case shr::l: return a;
448 }
449 }
450 }
452 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
455template<wrap id> Ref normalize_wrap(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
456 auto& world = type->world();
457 auto callee = c->as<App>();
458 auto [a, b] = arg->projs<2>();
459 auto mode = callee->arg();
460 auto s = Idx::size(a->type());
461 auto ls = Lit::isa(s);
463 if (auto result = fold<wrap, id>(world, type, a, b)) return result;
465 // clang-format off
466 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a)) {
467 if (*la == 0) {
468 switch (id) {
469 case wrap::add: return b; // 0 + b -> b
470 case wrap::sub: break;
471 case wrap::mul: return a; // 0 * b -> 0
472 case wrap::shl: return a; // 0 << b -> 0
473 }
474 } else if (*la == 1) {
475 switch (id) {
476 case wrap::add: break;
477 case wrap::sub: break;
478 case wrap::mul: return b; // 1 * b -> b
479 case wrap::shl: break;
480 }
481 }
482 }
484 if (auto lb = Lit::isa(b)) {
485 if (*lb == 0) {
486 switch (id) {
487 case wrap::sub: return a; // a - 0 -> a
488 case wrap::shl: return a; // a >> 0 -> a
489 default: fe::unreachable();
490 // add, mul are commutative, the literal has been normalized to the left
491 }
492 }
494 if (auto lm = Lit::isa(mode); lm && *lm == 0 && id == wrap::sub)
495 return, mode, Defs{a, world.lit_idx_mod(*ls, ~*lb + 1_u64)}); // a - lb -> a + (~lb + 1)
496 else if (id == wrap::shl && ls && *lb > *ls)
497 return;
498 }
500 if (a == b) {
501 switch (id) {
502 case wrap::add: return, mode, Defs{world.lit(type, 2), a}); // a + a -> 2 * a
503 case wrap::sub: return world.lit(type, 0); // a - a -> 0
504 case wrap::mul: break;
505 case wrap::shl: break;
506 }
507 }
508 // clang-format on
510 if (auto res = reassociate<wrap>(id, world, callee, a, b)) return res;
512 return world.raw_app(type, callee, {a, b});
515template<div id> Ref normalize_div(Ref full_type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
516 auto& world = full_type->world();
517 auto callee = c->as<App>();
518 auto [mem, ab] = arg->projs<2>();
519 auto [a, b] = ab->projs<2>();
520 auto [_, type] = full_type->projs<2>(); // peel off actual type
521 auto make_res = [&, mem = mem](Ref res) { return world.tuple({mem, res}); };
523 if (auto result = fold<div, id>(world, type, a, b)) return make_res(result);
525 if (auto la = Lit::isa(a)) {
526 if (*la == 0) return make_res(a); // 0 / b -> 0 and 0 % b -> 0
527 }
529 if (auto lb = Lit::isa(b)) {
530 if (*lb == 0) return make_res(; // a / 0 -> ⊥ and a % 0 -> ⊥
532 if (*lb == 1) {
533 switch (id) {
534 case div::sdiv: return make_res(a); // a / 1 -> a
535 case div::udiv: return make_res(a); // a / 1 -> a
536 case div::srem: return make_res(world.lit(type, 0)); // a % 1 -> 0
537 case div::urem: return make_res(world.lit(type, 0)); // a % 1 -> 0
538 }
539 }
540 }
542 if (a == b) {
543 switch (id) {
544 case div::sdiv: return make_res(world.lit(type, 1)); // a / a -> 1
545 case div::udiv: return make_res(world.lit(type, 1)); // a / a -> 1
546 case div::srem: return make_res(world.lit(type, 0)); // a % a -> 0
547 case div::urem: return make_res(world.lit(type, 0)); // a % a -> 0
548 }
549 }
551 return world.raw_app(full_type, callee, arg);
554template<conv id> Ref normalize_conv(Ref dst_t, Ref c, Ref x) {
555 auto& world = dst_t->world();
556 auto callee = c->as<App>();
557 auto s_t = x->type()->as<App>();
558 auto d_t = dst_t->as<App>();
559 auto s = s_t->arg();
560 auto d = d_t->arg();
561 auto ls = Lit::isa(s);
562 auto ld = Lit::isa(d);
564 if (s_t == d_t) return x;
565 if (x->isa<Bot>()) return;
566 if constexpr (id == conv::s) {
567 if (ls && ld && *ld < *ls) return, d, x); // just truncate - we don't care for signedness
568 }
570 if (auto l = Lit::isa(x); l && ls && ld) {
571 if constexpr (id == conv::u) {
572 if (*ld == 0) return world.lit(d_t, *l); // I64
573 return world.lit(d_t, *l % *ld);
574 }
576 auto sw = Idx::size2bitwidth(*ls);
577 auto dw = Idx::size2bitwidth(*ld);
579 // clang-format off
580 if (false) {}
581#define M(S, D) \
582 else if (S == sw && D == dw) return world.lit(d_t, w2s<D>(thorin::bitcast<w2s<S>>(*l)));
583 M( 1, 8) M( 1, 16) M( 1, 32) M( 1, 64)
584 M( 8, 16) M( 8, 32) M( 8, 64)
585 M(16, 32) M(16, 64)
586 M(32, 64)
587 else assert(false && "TODO: conversion between different Idx sizes");
588 // clang-format on
589 }
591 return world.raw_app(dst_t, callee, x);
594Ref normalize_bitcast(Ref dst_t, Ref callee, Ref src) {
595 auto& world = dst_t->world();
596 auto src_t = src->type();
598 if (src->isa<Bot>()) return;
599 if (src_t == dst_t) return src;
601 if (auto other = match<bitcast>(src))
602 return other->arg()->type() == dst_t ? other->arg() :<bitcast>(dst_t, other->arg());
604 if (auto l = Lit::isa(src)) {
605 if (dst_t->isa<Nat>()) return world.lit(dst_t, *l);
606 if (Idx::size(dst_t)) return world.lit(dst_t, *l);
607 }
609 return world.raw_app(dst_t, callee, src);
612// TODO this currently hard-codes x86_64 ABI
613// TODO in contrast to C, we might want to give singleton types like '.Idx 1' or '[]' a size of 0 and simply nuke each
614// and every occurance of these types in a later phase
615// TODO Pi and others
616template<trait id> Ref normalize_trait(Ref nat, Ref callee, Ref type) {
617 auto& world = type->world();
618 if (auto ptr = match<mem::Ptr>(type)) {
619 return world.lit_nat(8);
620 } else if (type->isa<Pi>()) {
621 return world.lit_nat(8); // Gets lowered to function ptr
622 } else if (auto size = Idx::size(type)) {
623 if (auto w = Idx::size2bitwidth(size)) return world.lit_nat(std::max(1_n, std::bit_ceil(*w) / 8_n));
624 } else if (auto w = math::isa_f(type)) {
625 switch (*w) {
626 case 16: return world.lit_nat(2);
627 case 32: return world.lit_nat(4);
628 case 64: return world.lit_nat(8);
629 default: fe::unreachable();
630 }
631 } else if (type->isa<Sigma>() || type->isa<Meet>()) {
632 u64 offset = 0;
633 u64 align = 1;
634 for (auto t : type->ops()) {
635 auto a = Lit::isa(core::op(trait::align, t));
636 auto s = Lit::isa(core::op(trait::size, t));
637 if (!a || !s) goto out;
639 align = std::max(align, *a);
640 offset = pad(offset, *a) + *s;
641 }
643 offset = pad(offset, align);
644 u64 size = std::max(1_u64, offset);
646 switch (id) {
647 case trait::align: return world.lit_nat(align);
648 case trait::size: return world.lit_nat(size);
649 }
650 } else if (auto arr = type->isa_imm<Arr>()) {
651 auto align = op(trait::align, arr->body());
652 if constexpr (id == trait::align) return align;
653 auto b = op(trait::size, arr->body());
654 if (b->isa<Lit>()) return, Defs{arr->shape(), b});
655 } else if (auto join = type->isa<Join>()) {
656 if (auto sigma = convert(join)) return core::op(id, sigma);
657 }
660 return world.raw_app(nat, callee, type);
663Ref normalize_zip(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg) {
664 auto& w = type->world();
665 auto callee = c->as<App>();
666 auto is_os = callee->arg();
667 auto [n_i, Is, n_o, Os, f] = is_os->projs<5>();
668 auto [r, s] = callee->decurry()->args<2>();
669 auto lr = Lit::isa(r);
670 auto ls = Lit::isa(s);
672 // TODO commute
673 // TODO reassociate
674 // TODO more than one Os
675 // TODO select which Is/Os to zip
677 if (lr && ls && *lr == 1 && *ls == 1) return, arg);
679 if (auto l_in = Lit::isa(n_i)) {
680 auto args = arg->projs(*l_in);
682 if (lr && std::ranges::all_of(args, [](Ref arg) { return arg->isa<Tuple, Pack>(); })) {
683 auto shapes = s->projs(*lr);
684 auto s_n = Lit::isa(shapes.front());
686 if (s_n) {
687 auto elems = DefVec(*s_n, [&, f = f](size_t s_i) {
688 auto inner_args = DefVec(args.size(), [&](size_t i) { return args[i]->proj(*s_n, s_i); });
689 if (*lr == 1) {
690 return, inner_args);
691 } else {
692 auto app_zip =<zip>(), {w.lit_nat(*lr - 1), w.tuple(shapes.view().subspan(1))});
693 return, is_os), inner_args);
694 }
695 });
696 return w.tuple(elems);
697 }
698 }
699 }
701 return w.raw_app(type, callee, arg);
704template<pe id> Ref normalize_pe(Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg) {
705 auto& world = type->world();
707 if constexpr (id == pe::known) {
708 if (match(pe::hlt, arg)) return world.lit_ff();
709 if (arg->dep_const()) return world.lit_tt();
710 }
712 return world.raw_app(type, callee, arg);
717} // namespace thorin::plug::core
const App * decurry() const
Returns App::callee again as App.
Definition lam.h:207
const Def * arg() const
Definition lam.h:215
A (possibly paramterized) Array.
Definition tuple.h:50
auto ops() const
Definition def.h:268
auto projs(F f) const
Splits this Def via Def::projections into an Array (if A == -1_n) or std::array (otherwise).
Definition def.h:369
const T * isa_imm() const
Definition def.h:443
const Def * type() const
Yields the raw type of this Def, i.e. maybe nullptr.
Definition def.h:248
bool dep_const() const
Definition def.h:338
World & world() const
Definition def.cpp:421
static Ref size(Ref def)
Checks if def is a .Idx s and returns s or nullptr otherwise.
Definition def.cpp:569
static constexpr nat_t size2bitwidth(nat_t n)
Definition def.h:758
static std::optional< T > isa(Ref def)
Definition def.h:726
static T as(Ref def)
Definition def.h:731
A (possibly paramterized) Tuple.
Definition tuple.h:87
A dependent function type.
Definition lam.h:11
Helper class to retrieve Infer::arg if present.
Definition def.h:87
A dependent tuple type.
Definition tuple.h:9
This is a thin wrapper for std::span<T, N> with the following additional features:
Definition span.h:28
Specific Bound depending on Up.
Definition lattice.h:31
Extremum. Either Top (Up) or Bottom.
Definition lattice.h:130
Data constructor for a Sigma.
Definition tuple.h:39
const Lit * lit_tt()
Definition world.h:406
const Lit * lit_nat(nat_t a)
Definition world.h:367
const Lit * lit_ff()
Definition world.h:405
Definition autogen.h:380
#define M(S, D)
#define CODE(node, name)
Definition def.h:40
Definition span.h:103
The core Plugin
Definition core.h:8
Ref normalize_ncmp(Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_icmp(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_bit1(Ref type, Ref c, Ref a)
Ref normalize_extrema(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
constexpr std::array< std::array< u64, 2 >, 2 > make_truth_table(bit2 id)
Use like this: a op b = tab[a][b]
Definition core.h:53
Ref normalize_bit2(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_zip(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
@ nuw
No Unsigned Wrap around.
@ nsw
No Signed Wrap around.
Ref normalize_nat(Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg)
Ref op(trait o, Ref type)
Definition core.h:35
Ref normalize_div(Ref full_type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_idx(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_trait(Ref nat, Ref callee, Ref type)
Ref normalize_conv(Ref dst_t, Ref c, Ref x)
Ref normalize_abs(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_wrap(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_shr(Ref type, Ref c, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_pe(Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg)
Ref normalize_bitcast(Ref dst_t, Ref callee, Ref src)
const Sigma * convert(const TBound< up > *b)
Definition core.cpp:19
std::optional< nat_t > isa_f(Ref def)
Definition math.h:78
The mem Plugin
Definition mem.h:11
u8 sub_t
Definition types.h:49
uint64_t u64
Definition types.h:35
auto match(Ref def)
Definition axiom.h:105
constexpr bool is_associative(Id id)
Definition axiom.h:135
View< const Def * > Defs
Definition def.h:62
void commute(const Def *&a, const Def *&b)
Swap Lit to left - or smaller Def::gid, if no lit present.
Definition normalize.h:25
u64 pad(u64 offset, u64 align)
Definition util.h:49
constexpr bool is_commutative(Id)
Definition axiom.h:132
bool get_sign(T val)
Definition util.h:40
uint8_t u8
Definition types.h:35
TExt< false > Bot
Definition lattice.h:151
Vector< const Def * > DefVec
Definition def.h:63
static constexpr flags_t Base
Definition plugin.h:131
#define THORIN_1_8_16_32_64(m)
Definition types.h:25