Thorin 1.9.0
The Higher ORder INtermediate representation
No Matches
thorin::World Class Reference

The World represents the whole program and manages creation of Thorin nodes (Defs). More...

#include <thorin/world.h>


struct  Freezer
 Use to World::freeze and automatically unfreeze at the end of scope. More...
struct  State

Public Member Functions

template<class Id , class... Args>
const Defcall (Id id, Args &&... args)
template<class Id , class... Args>
const Defcall (Args &&... args)
template<class T , class... Args>
const Defcall_ (Ref callee, T arg, Args &&... args)
template<class T >
const Defcall_ (Ref callee, T arg)
C'tor and D'tor
Worldoperator= (World)=delete
 World (Driver *)
 Inherits the state into the new World.
 World (Driver *, const State &)
 World (World &&other) noexcept
World inherit ()
 ~World ()
const Statestate () const
const Driverdriver () const
Driverdriver ()
Sym name () const
void set (Sym name)
void set (std::string_view name)
u32 curr_gid () const
 Manage global identifier - a unique number for each Def.
u32 next_gid ()
Flagsflags ()
 Retrive compile Flags.
Loc & emit_loc ()
Sym sym (std::string_view)
Sym sym (const char *)
Sym sym (const std::string &)
Sym append_suffix (Sym name, std::string suffix)
 Appends a suffix or an increasing number if the suffix already exists.

In frozen state the World does not create any nodes.

bool is_frozen () const
bool freeze (bool on=true) const
 Yields old frozen state.
Debugging Features
const auto & breakpoints ()
Ref gid2def (u32 gid)
 Lookup Def by gid.
void breakpoint (u32 gid)
 Trigger breakpoint in your debugger when creating Def with Def::gid gid.
Worldverify ()
 Verifies that all externals() and annexes() are Def::is_closed(), if THORIN_ENABLE_CHECKS.
Manage Nodes
const auto & annexes () const
const auto & externals () const
void make_external (Def *def)
void make_internal (Def *def)
Defexternal (Sym name)
 Lookup by name.
template<class Id >
const Defannex (Id id)
 Lookup annex by Axiom::id.
template<annex_without_subs id>
const Defannex ()
 Get Axiom from a plugin.
const Defregister_annex (flags_t f, const Def *)
Univ, Type, Var, Proxy, Infer
const Univuniv ()
Ref uinc (Ref op, level_t offset=1)
template<Sort = Sort::Univ>
Ref umax (Defs)
const Typetype (Ref level)
const Typetype_infer_univ ()
template<level_t level = 0>
const Typetype ()
Ref var (Ref type, Def *mut)
const Proxyproxy (Ref type, Defs ops, u32 index, u32 tag)
Infermut_infer (Ref type)
Infermut_infer_univ ()
Infermut_infer_type ()
Infermut_infer_entity ()
 Either a value ?:?:.Type ? or a type ?:.Type ?:.Type ?.
const Axiomaxiom (NormalizeFn n, u8 curry, u8 trip, Ref type, plugin_t p, tag_t t, sub_t s)
const Axiomaxiom (Ref type, plugin_t p, tag_t t, sub_t s)
const Axiomaxiom (NormalizeFn n, u8 curry, u8 trip, Ref type)
 Builds a fresh Axiom with descending Axiom::sub.
const Axiomaxiom (Ref type)
 See above.
const Pipi (Ref dom, Ref codom, bool implicit=false)
const Pipi (Defs dom, Ref codom, bool implicit=false)
const Pipi (Ref dom, Defs codom, bool implicit=false)
const Pipi (Defs dom, Defs codom, bool implicit=false)
Pimut_pi (Ref type, bool implicit=false)

Pi with codom thorin::Bottom

const Picn ()
const Picn (Ref dom)
const Picn (Defs dom)
const Pifn (Ref dom, Ref codom)
const Pifn (Defs dom, Ref codom)
const Pifn (Ref dom, Defs codom)
const Pifn (Defs dom, Defs codom)
Ref filter (Lam::Filter filter)
const Lamlam (const Pi *pi, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
Lammut_lam (const Pi *pi)
const Lamcon (Ref dom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamcon (Defs dom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamlam (Ref dom, Ref codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamlam (Defs dom, Ref codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamlam (Ref dom, Defs codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamlam (Defs dom, Defs codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamfun (Ref dom, Ref codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamfun (Defs dom, Ref codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamfun (Ref dom, Defs codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
const Lamfun (Defs dom, Defs codom, Lam::Filter f, Ref body)
Lammut_con (Ref dom)
Lammut_con (Defs dom)
Lammut_lam (Ref dom, Ref codom)
Lammut_lam (Defs dom, Ref codom)
Lammut_lam (Ref dom, Defs codom)
Lammut_lam (Defs dom, Defs codom)
Lammut_fun (Ref dom, Ref codom)
Lammut_fun (Defs dom, Ref codom)
Lammut_fun (Ref dom, Defs codom)
Lammut_fun (Defs dom, Defs codom)
Lamexit ()
 Used as a dummy exit node within Scope.
Ref app (Ref callee, Ref arg)
Ref app (Ref callee, Defs args)
template<bool Normalize = false>
Ref raw_app (Ref type, Ref callee, Ref arg)
template<bool Normalize = false>
Ref raw_app (Ref type, Ref callee, Defs args)
Sigmamut_sigma (Ref type, size_t size)
template<level_t level = 0>
Sigmamut_sigma (size_t size)
 A *mut*able Sigma of type level.
Ref sigma (Defs ops)
const Sigmasigma ()
 The unit type within Type 0.
Arrmut_arr (Ref type)
template<level_t level = 0>
Arrmut_arr ()
Ref arr (Ref shape, Ref body)
Ref arr (Defs shape, Ref body)
Ref arr (u64 n, Ref body)
Ref arr (View< u64 > shape, Ref body)
Ref arr_unsafe (Ref body)
Ref tuple (Defs ops)
Ref tuple (Ref type, Defs ops)
 Ascribes type to this tuple - needed for dependently typed and mutable Sigmas.
const Tupletuple ()
 the unit value of type []
Ref tuple (Sym sym)
 Converts sym to a tuple of type '«n; I8»'.
Packmut_pack (Ref type)
Ref pack (Ref arity, Ref body)
Ref pack (Defs shape, Ref body)
Ref pack (u64 n, Ref body)
Ref pack (View< u64 > shape, Ref body)
Ref extract (Ref d, Ref i)
Ref extract (Ref d, u64 a, u64 i)
Ref extract (Ref d, u64 i)
Ref select (Ref cond, Ref t, Ref f)
 Builds (f, t)#cond.
Ref insert (Ref d, Ref i, Ref val)
Ref insert (Ref d, u64 a, u64 i, Ref val)
Ref insert (Ref d, u64 i, Ref val)
const Litlit (Ref type, u64 val)
const Litlit_univ (u64 level)
const Litlit_univ_0 ()
const Litlit_univ_1 ()
const Litlit_nat (nat_t a)
const Litlit_nat_0 ()
const Litlit_nat_1 ()
const Litlit_nat_max ()
const Litlit_0_1 ()
const Litlit_i1 ()
const Litlit_i8 ()
const Litlit_i16 ()
const Litlit_i32 ()
const Litlit_i64 ()
const Litlit_idx (nat_t size, u64 val)
 Constructs a Lit of type Idx of size size.
template<class I >
const Litlit_idx (I val)
const Litlit_int (nat_t width, u64 val)
 Constructs a Lit of type Idx of size $2^width$.
const Litlit_i1 (bool val)
const Litlit_i2 (u8 val)
const Litlit_i4 (u8 val)
const Litlit_i8 (u8 val)
const Litlit_i16 (u16 val)
const Litlit_i32 (u32 val)
const Litlit_i64 (u64 val)
const Litlit_idx_mod (nat_t mod, u64 val)
 Constructs a Lit of type Idx of size mod.
const Litlit_bool (bool val)
const Litlit_ff ()
const Litlit_tt ()
template<bool Up>
Ref ext (Ref type)
Ref bot (Ref type)
Ref top (Ref type)
Ref Bot ()
Ref top_nat ()
template<bool Up>
TBound< Up > * mut_bound (Ref type, size_t size)
template<bool Up, level_t l = 0>
TBound< Up > * mut_bound (size_t size)
 A *mut*able Bound of Type level.
template<bool Up>
Ref bound (Defs ops)
Joinmut_join (Ref type, size_t size)
Meetmut_meet (Ref type, size_t size)
template<level_t l = 0>
Joinmut_join (size_t size)
template<level_t l = 0>
Meetmut_meet (size_t size)
Ref join (Defs ops)
Ref meet (Defs ops)
Ref ac (Ref type, Defs ops)
Ref ac (Defs ops)
 Infers the type using an immutable Meet.
Ref vel (Ref type, Ref value)
Ref pick (Ref type, Ref value)
Ref test (Ref value, Ref probe, Ref match, Ref clash)
Ref singleton (Ref inner_type)
{ will be removed }
Globalglobal (Ref type, bool is_mutable=true)
const Nattype_nat ()
const Idxtype_idx ()
Ref type_idx (Ref size)
Ref type_idx (nat_t size)
Ref type_int (nat_t width)
 Constructs a type Idx of size $2^width$.
Ref type_bool ()
Ref type_i1 ()
Ref type_i2 ()
Ref type_i4 ()
Ref type_i8 ()
Ref type_i16 ()
Ref type_i32 ()
Ref type_i64 ()
Cope with implicit Arguments
Ref iapp (Ref callee, Ref arg)
 Places Infer arguments as demanded by Pi::implicit and then apps arg.
Ref iapp (Ref callee, Defs args)
Ref iapp (Ref callee, nat_t arg)
template<class E >
requires std::is_enum_v<E> && std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<E>, nat_t>
Ref iapp (Ref callee, E arg)
Vars & Muts

Manges sets of Vars and Muts.

Vars vars (const Var *var)
Muts muts (Def *mut)
Vars merge (Vars a, Vars b)
Muts merge (Muts a, Muts b)
Vars insert (Vars vars, const Var *var)
Muts insert (Muts muts, Def *mut)
Vars erase (Vars vars, const Var *var)
Muts erase (Muts muts, Def *mut)
bool has_intersection (Vars v1, Vars v2)
bool has_intersection (Muts m1, Muts m2)
Ref iinfer (Ref def)
Loglog ()
void dummy ()
void dump (std::ostream &os)
 Dump to os.
void dump ()
 Dump to std::cout.
void debug_dump ()
 Dump in Debug build if World::log::level is Log::Level::Debug.
void write (const char *file)
 Write to a file named file.
void write ()
 Same above but file name defaults to World::name.

Dumps DOT to os.

annexIf true, include all annexes - even if unused.
typesFollow type dependencies?
void dot (std::ostream &os, bool annexes=false, bool types=false) const
void dot (const char *file=nullptr, bool annexes=false, bool types=false) const
 Same as above but write to file or std::cout if file is nullptr.

Detailed Description

The World represents the whole program and manages creation of Thorin nodes (Defs).

Defs are hashed into an internal HashSet. The World's factory methods just calculate a hash and lookup the Def, if it is already present, or create a new one otherwise. This corresponds to value numbering.

You can create several worlds. All worlds are completely independent from each other.

Note that types are also just Defs and will be hashed as well.

Definition at line 35 of file world.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ World() [1/3]

thorin::World::World ( Driver driver)

Inherits the state into the new World.

Definition at line 62 of file world.cpp.

◆ World() [2/3]

thorin::World::World ( Driver driver,
const State state 

◆ World() [3/3]

thorin::World::World ( World &&  other)

Definition at line 71 of file world.h.

References swap.

◆ ~World()

thorin::World::~World ( )

Definition at line 65 of file world.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ac() [1/2]

Ref thorin::World::ac ( Defs  ops)

Infers the type using an immutable Meet.

Definition at line 492 of file world.cpp.

References ac().

◆ ac() [2/2]

Ref thorin::World::ac ( Ref  type,
Defs  ops 

Definition at line 482 of file world.cpp.

References meet(), and type().

Referenced by ac().

◆ annex() [1/2]

template<annex_without_subs id>
const Def * thorin::World::annex ( )

Get Axiom from a plugin.

Can be used to get an Axiom without sub-tags. E.g. use w.annex<mem::M>(); to get the mem.M Axiom.

Definition at line 176 of file world.h.

References annex(), and thorin::Annex::Base.

Referenced by annex(), call(), dot(), and verify().

◆ annex() [2/2]

template<class Id >
const Def * thorin::World::annex ( Id  id)

◆ annexes()

const auto & thorin::World::annexes ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file world.h.

Referenced by dot(), dot(), thorin::RWPhase::start(), thorin::Cleanup::start(), and verify().

◆ app() [1/2]

Ref thorin::World::app ( Ref  callee,
Defs  args 

Definition at line 292 of file world.h.

References app(), and tuple().

Referenced by app().

◆ app() [2/2]

◆ append_suffix()

Sym thorin::World::append_suffix ( Sym  name,
std::string  suffix 

Appends a suffix or an increasing number if the suffix already exists.

Definition at line 517 of file world.cpp.

References name(), and sym().

◆ arr() [1/4]

Ref thorin::World::arr ( Defs  shape,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 425 of file world.cpp.

References arr().

◆ arr() [2/4]

◆ arr() [3/4]

Ref thorin::World::arr ( u64  n,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 314 of file world.h.

References arr(), and lit_nat().

Referenced by arr().

◆ arr() [4/4]

Ref thorin::World::arr ( View< u64 shape,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 315 of file world.h.

References arr().

◆ arr_unsafe()

Ref thorin::World::arr_unsafe ( Ref  body)

Definition at line 318 of file world.h.

References arr(), and top_nat().

◆ axiom() [1/4]

const Axiom * thorin::World::axiom ( NormalizeFn  n,
u8  curry,
u8  trip,
Ref  type 

Builds a fresh Axiom with descending Axiom::sub.

This is useful during testing to come up with some entitiy of a specific type. It uses the plugin Axiom::Global_Plugin and starts with 0 for Axiom::sub and counts up from there. The Axiom::tag is set to 0 and the Axiom::normalizer to nullptr.

Definition at line 225 of file world.h.

References axiom(), thorin::World::State::POD::curr_sub, thorin::Annex::Global_Plugin, thorin::World::State::pod, and type().

◆ axiom() [2/4]

const Axiom * thorin::World::axiom ( NormalizeFn  n,
u8  curry,
u8  trip,
Ref  type,
plugin_t  p,
tag_t  t,
sub_t  s 

Definition at line 216 of file world.h.

References type().

Referenced by axiom(), and raw_app().

◆ axiom() [3/4]

const Axiom * thorin::World::axiom ( Ref  type)

See above.

Definition at line 228 of file world.h.

References axiom(), and type().

Referenced by axiom().

◆ axiom() [4/4]

const Axiom * thorin::World::axiom ( Ref  type,
plugin_t  p,
tag_t  t,
sub_t  s 

Definition at line 219 of file world.h.

References axiom(), and type().

Referenced by axiom().

◆ Bot()

Ref thorin::World::Bot ( )

Definition at line 416 of file world.h.

Referenced by cn(), and World().

◆ bot()

Ref thorin::World::bot ( Ref  type)

◆ bound()

template<bool Up>
Ref thorin::World::bound ( Defs  ops)

Definition at line 458 of file world.cpp.

◆ breakpoint()

void thorin::World::breakpoint ( u32  gid)

Trigger breakpoint in your debugger when creating Def with Def::gid gid.

Definition at line 543 of file world.cpp.

References thorin::World::State::breakpoints.

Referenced by main().

◆ breakpoints()

const auto & thorin::World::breakpoints ( )

Definition at line 136 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::breakpoints.

◆ call() [1/2]

template<class Id , class... Args>
const Def * thorin::World::call ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 498 of file world.h.

References call_().

◆ call() [2/2]

◆ call_() [1/2]

template<class T >
const Def * thorin::World::call_ ( Ref  callee,

Definition at line 500 of file world.h.

References iapp().

◆ call_() [2/2]

template<class T , class... Args>
const Def * thorin::World::call_ ( Ref  callee,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 499 of file world.h.

References call_(), and iapp().

Referenced by call(), call(), and call_().

◆ cn() [1/3]

const Pi * thorin::World::cn ( )

Definition at line 246 of file world.h.

References cn(), and sigma().

Referenced by thorin::TailRecElim::analyze(), cn(), con(), con(), fn(), mut_con(), mut_con(), thorin::LamSpec::rewrite(), and World().

◆ cn() [2/3]

const Pi * thorin::World::cn ( Defs  dom)

Definition at line 248 of file world.h.

References cn(), and sigma().

Referenced by cn().

◆ cn() [3/3]

const Pi * thorin::World::cn ( Ref  dom)

Definition at line 247 of file world.h.

References Bot(), and pi().

◆ con() [1/2]

const Lam * thorin::World::con ( Defs  dom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 266 of file world.h.

References cn(), and filter().

◆ con() [2/2]

const Lam * thorin::World::con ( Ref  dom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 265 of file world.h.

References cn(), and filter().

◆ curr_gid()

u32 thorin::World::curr_gid ( ) const

Manage global identifier - a unique number for each Def.

Definition at line 91 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::curr_gid, and thorin::World::State::pod.

Referenced by dump().

◆ debug_dump()

void thorin::World::debug_dump ( )

Dump in Debug build if World::log::level is Log::Level::Debug.

Definition at line 458 of file dump.cpp.

References thorin::Log::Debug, dump(), and log().

Referenced by thorin::plug::autodiff::AutoDiffEval::augment_app(), DebugDump::prepare(), and thorin::PassMan::run().

◆ dot() [1/2]

void thorin::World::dot ( const char *  file = nullptr,
bool  annexes = false,
bool  types = false 
) const

Same as above but write to file or std::cout if file is nullptr.

Definition at line 135 of file dot.cpp.

References annexes(), and dot().

◆ dot() [2/2]

void thorin::World::dot ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  annexes = false,
bool  types = false 
) const

Definition at line 144 of file dot.cpp.

References annex(), annexes(), dot(), external(), and externals().

Referenced by dot(), dot(), and main().

◆ driver() [1/2]

Driver & thorin::World::driver ( )

Definition at line 84 of file world.h.

◆ driver() [2/2]

const Driver & thorin::World::driver ( ) const

◆ dummy()

void thorin::World::dummy ( )

Definition at line 512 of file world.h.

◆ dump() [1/2]

void thorin::World::dump ( )

Dump to std::cout.

Definition at line 456 of file dump.cpp.

References dump().

Referenced by debug_dump(), dump(), and write().

◆ dump() [2/2]

void thorin::World::dump ( std::ostream &  os)

Dump to os.

Definition at line 436 of file dump.cpp.

References assertf, curr_gid(), driver(), externals(), flags(), thorin::Driver::imports(), thorin::Driver::is_loaded(), name(), and thorin::print().

Referenced by main().

◆ emit_loc()

Loc & thorin::World::emit_loc ( )

Definition at line 97 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::loc, and thorin::World::State::pod.

◆ erase() [1/2]

Muts thorin::World::erase ( Muts  muts,
Def mut 

Definition at line 491 of file world.h.

References muts().

◆ erase() [2/2]

Vars thorin::World::erase ( Vars  vars,
const Var var 

Definition at line 490 of file world.h.

References var(), and vars().

◆ exit()

Lam * thorin::World::exit ( )

Used as a dummy exit node within Scope.

Definition at line 286 of file world.h.

◆ ext()

template<bool Up>
Ref thorin::World::ext ( Ref  type)

Definition at line 451 of file world.cpp.

References arr(), thorin::Def::num_ops(), pack(), sigma(), tuple(), and type().

◆ external()

Def * thorin::World::external ( Sym  name)

◆ externals()

const auto & thorin::World::externals ( ) const

◆ extract() [1/3]

◆ extract() [2/3]

Ref thorin::World::extract ( Ref  d,
u64  a,
u64  i 

Definition at line 345 of file world.h.

References extract(), and lit_idx().

Referenced by extract().

◆ extract() [3/3]

Ref thorin::World::extract ( Ref  d,
u64  i 

Definition at line 346 of file world.h.

References extract().

Referenced by extract().

◆ filter()

Ref thorin::World::filter ( Lam::Filter  filter)

Definition at line 258 of file world.h.

References filter(), and lit_bool().

Referenced by con(), con(), filter(), fun(), fun(), fun(), fun(), lam(), lam(), lam(), lam(), and lam().

◆ flags()

Flags & thorin::World::flags ( )

Retrive compile Flags.

Definition at line 74 of file world.cpp.

References driver(), and thorin::Driver::flags().

Referenced by annex(), dump(), thorin::plug::compile::handle_optimization_part(), insert(), and thorin::Def::num_tprojs().

◆ fn() [1/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::fn ( Defs  dom,
Defs  codom 

Definition at line 252 of file world.h.

References fn(), and sigma().

Referenced by fn().

◆ fn() [2/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::fn ( Defs  dom,
Ref  codom 

Definition at line 250 of file world.h.

References fn(), and sigma().

Referenced by fn().

◆ fn() [3/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::fn ( Ref  dom,
Defs  codom 

Definition at line 251 of file world.h.

References fn(), and sigma().

Referenced by fn().

◆ fn() [4/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::fn ( Ref  dom,
Ref  codom 

Definition at line 249 of file world.h.

References cn().

Referenced by fun(), fun(), fun(), fun(), mut_fun(), mut_fun(), mut_fun(), and mut_fun().

◆ freeze()

bool thorin::World::freeze ( bool  on = true) const

Yields old frozen state.

Definition at line 115 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::frozen, and thorin::World::State::pod.

Referenced by thorin::World::Freezer::~Freezer().

◆ fun() [1/4]

const Lam * thorin::World::fun ( Defs  dom,
Defs  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 274 of file world.h.

References filter(), and fn().

◆ fun() [2/4]

const Lam * thorin::World::fun ( Defs  dom,
Ref  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 272 of file world.h.

References filter(), and fn().

◆ fun() [3/4]

const Lam * thorin::World::fun ( Ref  dom,
Defs  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 273 of file world.h.

References filter(), and fn().

◆ fun() [4/4]

const Lam * thorin::World::fun ( Ref  dom,
Ref  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 271 of file world.h.

References filter(), and fn().

◆ gid2def()

Ref thorin::World::gid2def ( u32  gid)

Lookup Def by gid.

Definition at line 545 of file world.cpp.

◆ global()

Global * thorin::World::global ( Ref  type,
bool  is_mutable = true 

Definition at line 440 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ has_intersection() [1/2]

bool thorin::World::has_intersection ( Muts  m1,
Muts  m2 

Definition at line 493 of file world.h.

◆ has_intersection() [2/2]

bool thorin::World::has_intersection ( Vars  v1,
Vars  v2 

Definition at line 492 of file world.h.

◆ iapp() [1/4]

Ref thorin::World::iapp ( Ref  callee,
Defs  args 

Definition at line 473 of file world.h.

References iapp(), and tuple().

Referenced by iapp().

◆ iapp() [2/4]

template<class E >
requires std::is_enum_v<E> && std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<E>, nat_t>
Ref thorin::World::iapp ( Ref  callee,

Definition at line 476 of file world.h.

References iapp(), and lit_nat().

◆ iapp() [3/4]

Ref thorin::World::iapp ( Ref  callee,
nat_t  arg 

Definition at line 474 of file world.h.

References iapp(), and lit_nat().

Referenced by iapp().

◆ iapp() [4/4]

Ref thorin::World::iapp ( Ref  callee,
Ref  arg 

Places Infer arguments as demanded by Pi::implicit and then apps arg.

Definition at line 162 of file world.cpp.

References app(), thorin::Check::assignable(), thorin::decurry(), thorin::Pi::dom(), thorin::Pi::is_implicit(), mut_infer(), pi(), thorin::Ref::refer(), and thorin::Def::type().

Referenced by call_(), call_(), and iapp().

◆ iinfer()

Ref thorin::World::iinfer ( Ref  def)

Definition at line 506 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::size(), and thorin::Def::type().

◆ inherit()

World thorin::World::inherit ( )

Definition at line 75 of file world.h.

References driver(), and state().

Referenced by thorin::Cleanup::start().

◆ insert() [1/5]

Muts thorin::World::insert ( Muts  muts,
Def mut 

Definition at line 489 of file world.h.

References muts().

◆ insert() [2/5]

◆ insert() [3/5]

Ref thorin::World::insert ( Ref  d,
u64  a,
u64  i,
Ref  val 

Definition at line 357 of file world.h.

References insert(), and lit_idx().

Referenced by insert().

◆ insert() [4/5]

Ref thorin::World::insert ( Ref  d,
u64  i,
Ref  val 

Definition at line 358 of file world.h.

References insert().

Referenced by insert().

◆ insert() [5/5]

Vars thorin::World::insert ( Vars  vars,
const Var var 

Definition at line 488 of file world.h.

References var(), and vars().

◆ is_frozen()

bool thorin::World::is_frozen ( ) const

Definition at line 112 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::frozen, and thorin::World::State::pod.

◆ join()

Ref thorin::World::join ( Defs  ops)

Definition at line 426 of file world.h.

Referenced by test().

◆ lam() [1/5]

const Lam * thorin::World::lam ( const Pi pi,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 262 of file world.h.

References filter(), and pi().

Referenced by app().

◆ lam() [2/5]

const Lam * thorin::World::lam ( Defs  dom,
Defs  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 270 of file world.h.

References filter(), and pi().

◆ lam() [3/5]

const Lam * thorin::World::lam ( Defs  dom,
Ref  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 268 of file world.h.

References filter(), and pi().

◆ lam() [4/5]

const Lam * thorin::World::lam ( Ref  dom,
Defs  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 269 of file world.h.

References filter(), and pi().

◆ lam() [5/5]

const Lam * thorin::World::lam ( Ref  dom,
Ref  codom,
Lam::Filter  f,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 267 of file world.h.

References filter(), and pi().

◆ lit()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit ( Ref  type,
u64  val 

◆ lit_0_1()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_0_1 ( )

Definition at line 371 of file world.h.

Referenced by var().

◆ lit_bool()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_bool ( bool  val)

Definition at line 404 of file world.h.

Referenced by filter().

◆ lit_ff()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_ff ( )

Definition at line 405 of file world.h.

Referenced by app(), and thorin::plug::core::normalize_pe().

◆ lit_i1() [1/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i1 ( )

Definition at line 373 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_nat().

◆ lit_i1() [2/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i1 ( bool  val)

Definition at line 390 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_i16() [1/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i16 ( )

Definition at line 375 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_nat().

◆ lit_i16() [2/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i16 ( u16  val)

Definition at line 394 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_i2()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i2 ( u8  val)

Definition at line 391 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_i32() [1/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i32 ( )

Definition at line 376 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_nat().

◆ lit_i32() [2/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i32 ( u32  val)

Definition at line 395 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_i4()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i4 ( u8  val)

Definition at line 392 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_i64() [1/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i64 ( )

Definition at line 377 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_nat().

Referenced by thorin::plug::mem::op_lea_unsafe().

◆ lit_i64() [2/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i64 ( u64  val)

Definition at line 396 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_i8() [1/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i8 ( )

Definition at line 374 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_nat().

Referenced by tuple().

◆ lit_i8() [2/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_i8 ( u8  val)

Definition at line 393 of file world.h.

References lit_int().

◆ lit_idx() [1/2]

template<class I >
const Lit * thorin::World::lit_idx ( val)

Definition at line 382 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_idx().

◆ lit_idx() [2/2]

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_idx ( nat_t  size,
u64  val 

Constructs a Lit of type Idx of size size.

size = 0 means 2^64.

Definition at line 380 of file world.h.

References lit(), and type_idx().

Referenced by extract(), insert(), lit_idx(), lit_idx_mod(), lit_int(), and World().

◆ lit_idx_mod()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_idx_mod ( nat_t  mod,
u64  val 

Constructs a Lit of type Idx of size mod.

The value val will be adjusted modulo mod.

mod == 0 is the special case for $2^64$ and no modulo will be performed on val.

Definition at line 402 of file world.h.

References lit_idx().

◆ lit_int()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_int ( nat_t  width,
u64  val 

Constructs a Lit of type Idx of size $2^width$.

val = 64 will be automatically converted to size 0 - the encoding for $2^64$.

Definition at line 389 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), and lit_idx().

Referenced by lit_i1(), lit_i16(), lit_i2(), lit_i32(), lit_i4(), lit_i64(), and lit_i8().

◆ lit_nat()

◆ lit_nat_0()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_nat_0 ( )

◆ lit_nat_1()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_nat_1 ( )

Definition at line 369 of file world.h.

Referenced by thorin::Def::arity(), and thorin::Pack::shape().

◆ lit_nat_max()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_nat_max ( )

Definition at line 370 of file world.h.

◆ lit_tt()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_tt ( )

Definition at line 406 of file world.h.

Referenced by app(), and thorin::plug::core::normalize_ncmp().

◆ lit_univ()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_univ ( u64  level)

Definition at line 364 of file world.h.

References lit(), and univ().

Referenced by type(), uinc(), umax(), and World().

◆ lit_univ_0()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_univ_0 ( )

Definition at line 365 of file world.h.

Referenced by World().

◆ lit_univ_1()

const Lit * thorin::World::lit_univ_1 ( )

Definition at line 366 of file world.h.

Referenced by World().

◆ log()

Log & thorin::World::log ( )

Definition at line 73 of file world.cpp.

References driver(), and thorin::Driver::log().

Referenced by debug_dump().

◆ make_external()

void thorin::World::make_external ( Def def)

◆ make_internal()

void thorin::World::make_internal ( Def def)

Definition at line 157 of file world.h.

References thorin::Def::is_external(), and thorin::Def::sym().

Referenced by thorin::Def::make_internal().

◆ meet()

Ref thorin::World::meet ( Defs  ops)

Definition at line 427 of file world.h.

Referenced by ac().

◆ merge() [1/2]

Muts thorin::World::merge ( Muts  a,
Muts  b 

Definition at line 487 of file world.h.

◆ merge() [2/2]

Vars thorin::World::merge ( Vars  a,
Vars  b 

Definition at line 486 of file world.h.

Referenced by thorin::Def::Def(), and thorin::Def::free_vars().

◆ mut_arr() [1/2]

template<level_t level = 0>
Arr * thorin::World::mut_arr ( )

Definition at line 311 of file world.h.

References mut_arr().

Referenced by mut_arr().

◆ mut_arr() [2/2]

Arr * thorin::World::mut_arr ( Ref  type)

Definition at line 310 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ mut_bound() [1/2]

template<bool Up>
TBound< Up > * thorin::World::mut_bound ( Ref  type,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 418 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ mut_bound() [2/2]

template<bool Up, level_t l = 0>
TBound< Up > * thorin::World::mut_bound ( size_t  size)

A *mut*able Bound of Type level.

Definition at line 420 of file world.h.

◆ mut_con() [1/2]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_con ( Defs  dom)

Definition at line 276 of file world.h.

References cn().

◆ mut_con() [2/2]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_con ( Ref  dom)

◆ mut_fun() [1/4]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_fun ( Defs  dom,
Defs  codom 

Definition at line 284 of file world.h.

References fn().

◆ mut_fun() [2/4]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_fun ( Defs  dom,
Ref  codom 

Definition at line 282 of file world.h.

References fn().

◆ mut_fun() [3/4]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_fun ( Ref  dom,
Defs  codom 

Definition at line 283 of file world.h.

References fn().

◆ mut_fun() [4/4]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_fun ( Ref  dom,
Ref  codom 

Definition at line 281 of file world.h.

References fn().

Referenced by thorin::plug::matrix::LowerMatrixMediumLevel::rewrite_().

◆ mut_infer()

Infer * thorin::World::mut_infer ( Ref  type)

Definition at line 201 of file world.h.

References type().

Referenced by iapp(), mut_infer_entity(), mut_infer_type(), and mut_infer_univ().

◆ mut_infer_entity()

Infer * thorin::World::mut_infer_entity ( )

Either a value ?:?:.Type ? or a type ?:.Type ?:.Type ?.

Definition at line 206 of file world.h.

References mut_infer(), and type_infer_univ().

◆ mut_infer_type()

Infer * thorin::World::mut_infer_type ( )

Definition at line 203 of file world.h.

References mut_infer(), and type_infer_univ().

Referenced by thorin::IdPtrn::type().

◆ mut_infer_univ()

Infer * thorin::World::mut_infer_univ ( )

Definition at line 202 of file world.h.

References mut_infer(), and univ().

Referenced by type_infer_univ().

◆ mut_join() [1/2]

Join * thorin::World::mut_join ( Ref  type,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 422 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ mut_join() [2/2]

template<level_t l = 0>
Join * thorin::World::mut_join ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 424 of file world.h.

References mut_join().

Referenced by mut_join().

◆ mut_lam() [1/5]

◆ mut_lam() [2/5]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_lam ( Defs  dom,
Defs  codom 

Definition at line 280 of file world.h.

References pi().

◆ mut_lam() [3/5]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_lam ( Defs  dom,
Ref  codom 

Definition at line 278 of file world.h.

References pi().

◆ mut_lam() [4/5]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_lam ( Ref  dom,
Defs  codom 

Definition at line 279 of file world.h.

References pi().

◆ mut_lam() [5/5]

Lam * thorin::World::mut_lam ( Ref  dom,
Ref  codom 

Definition at line 277 of file world.h.

References pi().

◆ mut_meet() [1/2]

Meet * thorin::World::mut_meet ( Ref  type,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 423 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ mut_meet() [2/2]

template<level_t l = 0>
Meet * thorin::World::mut_meet ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 425 of file world.h.

References mut_meet().

Referenced by mut_meet().

◆ mut_pack()

Pack * thorin::World::mut_pack ( Ref  type)

Definition at line 332 of file world.h.

References type().

Referenced by thorin::plug::autodiff::AutoDiffEval::augment_pack().

◆ mut_pi()

Pi * thorin::World::mut_pi ( Ref  type,
bool  implicit = false 

Definition at line 238 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ mut_sigma() [1/2]

Sigma * thorin::World::mut_sigma ( Ref  type,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 301 of file world.h.

References type().

Referenced by extract(), and thorin::TuplePtrn::type().

◆ mut_sigma() [2/2]

template<level_t level = 0>
Sigma * thorin::World::mut_sigma ( size_t  size)

A *mut*able Sigma of type level.

Definition at line 303 of file world.h.

References mut_sigma().

Referenced by mut_sigma().

◆ muts()

Muts thorin::World::muts ( Def mut)

Definition at line 485 of file world.h.

Referenced by erase(), insert(), and thorin::Def::local_muts().

◆ name()

Sym thorin::World::name ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::name, and thorin::World::State::pod.

Referenced by append_suffix(), dump(), external(), set(), set(), and write().

◆ next_gid()

u32 thorin::World::next_gid ( )

Definition at line 92 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::curr_gid, and thorin::World::State::pod.

Referenced by thorin::Def::Def(), and thorin::Def::Def().

◆ operator=()

World & thorin::World::operator= ( World  )

◆ pack() [1/4]

Ref thorin::World::pack ( Defs  shape,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 430 of file world.cpp.

References pack().

◆ pack() [2/4]

◆ pack() [3/4]

Ref thorin::World::pack ( u64  n,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 335 of file world.h.

References lit_nat(), and pack().

Referenced by pack().

◆ pack() [4/4]

Ref thorin::World::pack ( View< u64 shape,
Ref  body 

Definition at line 336 of file world.h.

References pack().

◆ pi() [1/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::pi ( Defs  dom,
Defs  codom,
bool  implicit = false 

Definition at line 237 of file world.h.

References pi(), and sigma().

Referenced by pi().

◆ pi() [2/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::pi ( Defs  dom,
Ref  codom,
bool  implicit = false 

Definition at line 235 of file world.h.

References pi(), and sigma().

Referenced by pi().

◆ pi() [3/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::pi ( Ref  dom,
Defs  codom,
bool  implicit = false 

Definition at line 236 of file world.h.

References pi(), and sigma().

Referenced by pi().

◆ pi() [4/4]

const Pi * thorin::World::pi ( Ref  dom,
Ref  codom,
bool  implicit = false 

◆ pick()

Ref thorin::World::pick ( Ref  type,
Ref  value 

Definition at line 499 of file world.cpp.

References type().

◆ proxy()

const Proxy * thorin::World::proxy ( Ref  type,
Defs  ops,
u32  index,
u32  tag 

Definition at line 197 of file world.h.

References type().

Referenced by thorin::Pass::proxy().

◆ raw_app() [1/2]

template<bool Normalize = false>
Ref thorin::World::raw_app ( Ref  type,
Ref  callee,
Defs  args 

Definition at line 294 of file world.h.

References tuple(), and type().

◆ raw_app() [2/2]

◆ register_annex()

const Def * thorin::World::register_annex ( flags_t  f,
const Def def 

Definition at line 80 of file world.cpp.

References thorin::assert_emplace(), thorin::Annex::demangle(), and driver().

◆ select()

Ref thorin::World::select ( Ref  cond,
Ref  t,
Ref  f 

Builds (f, t)#cond.

Expects cond as first, t as second, and f as third argument.

Definition at line 350 of file world.h.

References extract(), and tuple().

◆ set() [1/2]

void thorin::World::set ( std::string_view  name)

Definition at line 88 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::name, name(), thorin::World::State::pod, and sym().

◆ set() [2/2]

void thorin::World::set ( Sym  name)

Definition at line 87 of file world.h.

References thorin::World::State::POD::name, name(), and thorin::World::State::pod.

Referenced by main().

◆ sigma() [1/2]

const Sigma * thorin::World::sigma ( )

The unit type within Type 0.

Definition at line 305 of file world.h.

Referenced by arr(), cn(), cn(), ext(), extract(), fn(), fn(), fn(), pi(), pi(), pi(), sigma(), tuple(), and World().

◆ sigma() [2/2]

◆ singleton()

Ref thorin::World::singleton ( Ref  inner_type)

Definition at line 515 of file world.cpp.

◆ state()

const State & thorin::World::state ( ) const

Definition at line 81 of file world.h.

Referenced by inherit().

◆ sym() [1/3]

Sym thorin::World::sym ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 76 of file world.cpp.

References driver().

◆ sym() [2/3]

Sym thorin::World::sym ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 78 of file world.cpp.

References driver().

◆ sym() [3/3]

◆ test()

Ref thorin::World::test ( Ref  value,
Ref  probe,
Ref  match,
Ref  clash 

◆ top()

Ref thorin::World::top ( Ref  type)

Definition at line 415 of file world.h.

References type().

◆ top_nat()

Ref thorin::World::top_nat ( )

Definition at line 417 of file world.h.

Referenced by arr_unsafe().

◆ tuple() [1/4]

const Tuple * thorin::World::tuple ( )

the unit value of type []

Definition at line 326 of file world.h.

Referenced by app(), arr(), ext(), extract(), iapp(), insert(), pack(), raw_app(), select(), tuple(), tuple(), and tuple().

◆ tuple() [2/4]

◆ tuple() [3/4]

Ref thorin::World::tuple ( Ref  type,
Defs  ops 

Ascribes type to this tuple - needed for dependently typed and mutable Sigmas.

Definition at line 237 of file world.cpp.

References extract(), thorin::Check::is_uniform(), thorin::Lit::isa(), thorin::Def::isa_mut(), pack(), tuple(), type(), and thorin::Def::type().

◆ tuple() [4/4]

Ref thorin::World::tuple ( Sym  sym)

Converts sym to a tuple of type '«n; I8»'.

Definition at line 272 of file world.cpp.

References lit_i8(), sym(), and tuple().

◆ type() [1/2]

template<level_t level = 0>
const Type * thorin::World::type ( )

◆ type() [2/2]

const Type * thorin::World::type ( Ref  level)

◆ type_bool()

Ref thorin::World::type_bool ( )

Definition at line 457 of file world.h.

◆ type_i1()

Ref thorin::World::type_i1 ( )

Definition at line 458 of file world.h.

◆ type_i16()

Ref thorin::World::type_i16 ( )

Definition at line 462 of file world.h.

References type_int().

◆ type_i2()

Ref thorin::World::type_i2 ( )

Definition at line 459 of file world.h.

References type_int().

◆ type_i32()

Ref thorin::World::type_i32 ( )

Definition at line 463 of file world.h.

References type_int().

Referenced by thorin::plug::matrix::LowerMatrixMediumLevel::rewrite_().

◆ type_i4()

Ref thorin::World::type_i4 ( )

Definition at line 460 of file world.h.

References type_int().

◆ type_i64()

Ref thorin::World::type_i64 ( )

Definition at line 464 of file world.h.

References type_int().

◆ type_i8()

Ref thorin::World::type_i8 ( )

Definition at line 461 of file world.h.

References type_int().

◆ type_idx() [1/3]

const Idx * thorin::World::type_idx ( )

◆ type_idx() [2/3]

Ref thorin::World::type_idx ( nat_t  size)
size = 0 means 2^64.

Definition at line 451 of file world.h.

References lit_nat(), and type_idx().

Referenced by type_idx().

◆ type_idx() [3/3]

Ref thorin::World::type_idx ( Ref  size)
size = 0 means 2^64.

Definition at line 449 of file world.h.

References app(), and type_idx().

Referenced by type_idx().

◆ type_infer_univ()

const Type * thorin::World::type_infer_univ ( )

Definition at line 187 of file world.h.

References mut_infer_univ(), and type().

Referenced by mut_infer_entity(), and mut_infer_type().

◆ type_int()

Ref thorin::World::type_int ( nat_t  width)

Constructs a type Idx of size $2^width$.

width = 64 will be automatically converted to size 0 - the encoding for $2^64$.

Definition at line 455 of file world.h.

References thorin::Idx::bitwidth2size(), lit_nat(), and type_idx().

Referenced by type_i16(), type_i2(), type_i32(), type_i4(), type_i64(), and type_i8().

◆ type_nat()

const Nat * thorin::World::type_nat ( )

Definition at line 446 of file world.h.

Referenced by lit_nat(), and World().

◆ uinc()

Ref thorin::World::uinc ( Ref  op,
level_t  offset = 1 

Definition at line 99 of file world.cpp.

References thorin::error(), thorin::Lit::isa(), lit_univ(), and thorin::Def::type().

◆ umax()

template<Sort sort>
Ref thorin::World::umax ( Defs  ops_)

◆ univ()

const Univ * thorin::World::univ ( )

Definition at line 183 of file world.h.

Referenced by lit_univ(), mut_infer_univ(), and thorin::Rewriter::rewrite().

◆ var()

◆ vars()

Vars thorin::World::vars ( const Var var)

◆ vel()

Ref thorin::World::vel ( Ref  type,
Ref  value 

Definition at line 494 of file world.cpp.

References type().

◆ verify()

World & thorin::World::verify ( )

Verifies that all externals() and annexes() are Def::is_closed(), if THORIN_ENABLE_CHECKS.

Definition at line 551 of file world.cpp.

References annex(), annexes(), externals(), and thorin::Def::is_closed().

Referenced by thorin::PassMan::run(), and thorin::Phase::run().

◆ write() [1/2]

void thorin::World::write ( )

Same above but file name defaults to World::name.

Definition at line 467 of file dump.cpp.

References name(), and write().

Referenced by write().

◆ write() [2/2]

void thorin::World::write ( const char *  file)

Write to a file named file.

Definition at line 462 of file dump.cpp.

References dump().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: