AnyDSL - A Partial Evaluation Framework for Programming High-Performance Libraries

AnyDSL is a framework for domain-specific libraries (DSLs). These are implemented in our language Impala. In order to achieve high-performance, Impala partially evaluates any abstractions these libraries might impose. Partial evaluation and other optimizations are performed on AnyDSL’s intermediate representation Thorin.


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Current Dates

Join the AnyDSL Workshop on July 21, 2022!

AnyDSL Architecture

AnyDSL Architecture

Embedding of DSLs in Impala

When developing a DSL, people from different areas come together:

AnyDSL allows a separation of these concerns using

Application Developer

fn main() {
    let img = load("dragon.png");
    let blurred = gaussian_blur(img);

DSL Designer

fn gaussian_blur(field: Field) -> Field {
    let stencil: Stencil = { /* ... */ };
    let mut out: Field   = { /* ... */ };

    for x, y in @iterate(out) {, y) = apply_stencil(x, y, field, stencil);


Machine Expert

fn iterate(field: Field, body: fn(int, int) -> ()) -> () {
    let grid  = (field.cols, field.rows, 1);
    let block = (128, 1, 1);

    with nvvm(grid, block) {
        let x = nvvm_tid_x() + nvvm_ntid_x() * nvvm_ctaid_x();
        let y = nvvm_tid_y() + nvvm_ntid_y() * nvvm_ctaid_y();
        body(x, y);


Selected Results


Rodent is a BVH traversal library and renderer implemented using the AnyDSL compiler framework. Rodent is a renderer-generating library that converts 3D scenes into optimized/specialized code the scene on CPUs and GPUs. Compared with state-of-the-art renderer, we obtain the following speedups:

Rodent supports also ARM CPUs and AMD GPUs.


Stincilla is a DSL for stencil codes. We used the Gaussian blur filter as example and compared against the implementations in OpenCV 3.0 as reference. Thereby, we achieved the following results:


RaTrace is a DSL for ray traversal.