Thorin 1.9.0
The Higher ORder INtermediate representation
No Matches
The affine Plugin
See also


.import mem;



This operation ranges from (including) begin to (excluding) end using step as stride. In addition, this loop manages n loop accumulators whose initial values init must be given. Each iteration the given body is invoked which receives

  • the current iteration index, and
  • the current values of the loop accumulators acc, and
  • a yield continuation to prematurely continue with the next iteration.

After termination of the loop exit is invoked.

.ax %affine.For:
.Cn [m: .Nat , n: .Nat , Ts: «n; *»]
[begin: .Idx m, end: .Idx m, step: .Idx m, init: «i: n; Ts#i»,
body: .Cn [iter: .Idx m, acc: «i: n; Ts#i», yield: .Cn [«i: n; Ts#i»]],
exit: .Cn [«i: n; Ts#i»]

Passes and Phases


Loweres the affine.For operation to recursive function calls.

.ax %affine.lower_for_pass: %compile.Pass;