MimIR 0.1
MimIR is my Intermediate Representation
No Matches

Passes in MimIR are the main infrastructure and preferred method when implementing code transformations. However, nothing stops you from manually iterating and transforming the program. This is usually only necessary if you need a very specific iteration behavior for your transformation.

Passes are managed by the PassManager. You can put together your optimization pipeline like so:

PassMan opt(world);
auto br = opt.add<BetaRed>();
auto er = opt.add<EtaRed>();
auto ee = opt.add<EtaExp>(er);
opt.add<CopyProp>(br, ee);

Note how some passes depend on other passes. For example, the CopyPropagation depends on the BetaReduction and EtaExpansion. In contrast to traditional passes in compilers, MimIR's PassMan will run all passes in tandem and combine the obtained results into the most optimal solution and, hence, avoid the dreaded phase-ordering problem.

There are two kind of passes in MimIR:

  1. Rewrite Pass
  2. Fixed-Point Pass

Rewrite Pass

In order to write a rewrite pass, you have to inherit from RWPass. Usually, you are only interested in looking for code patterns that only occur in specific mutables - typically Lambdas. You can filter for these mutables by passing it as template parameter to RWPass when inherting from it. The main hook to the PassMan, is the rewrite method. As an example, let's have a look at the Alloc2Malloc pass. It rewrites alloc/slot calls into their more verbose siblings malloc/mslot that make the size of the alloc'ed type explicit: This is alloc2malloc.h:

#pragma once
#include <mim/pass/pass.h>
namespace mim::plug::mem {
class Alloc2Malloc : public RWPass<Alloc2Malloc, Lam> {
: RWPass(man, "alloc2malloc") {}
Ref rewrite(Ref) override;
} // namespace mim::plug::mem
PassMan & man()
Definition pass.h:30
friend class PassMan
Definition pass.h:101
RWPass(PassMan &man, std::string_view name)
Definition pass.h:222
The mem Plugin
Definition mem.h:10

The actual rewrite simply inspects the current def. If this happens to be a alloc/slot, it will simply return the more explicit counterpart. This is alloc2malloc.cpp:

namespace mim::plug::mem {
Ref Alloc2Malloc::rewrite(Ref def) {
if (auto alloc = match<mem::alloc>(def)) {
auto [pointee, addr_space] = alloc->decurry()->args<2>();
return op_malloc(pointee, alloc->arg());
} else if (auto slot = match<mem::slot>(def)) {
auto [pointee, addr_space] = slot->decurry()->args<2>();
auto [mem, id] = slot->args<2>();
return op_mslot(pointee, mem, id);
return def;
} // namespace mim::plug::mem
Ref op_mslot(Ref type, Ref mem, Ref id)
Definition mem.h:160
Ref op_malloc(Ref type, Ref mem)
Definition mem.h:151
auto match(Ref def)
Definition axiom.h:105

Fixed-Point Pass

A fixed-point pass allows you to implement a data-flow analysis. Traditionally, an optimizations performs

  1. the analysis and
  2. runs the actual transformation based upon the analysis info.

A fixed-point pass, however, will directly rewrite the code. You optimistically assume that all your assumptions your pass could possibly make about the program simply hold. Now, two things might happen:

  1. You do not run into any contradictions later on, so your optimistic assumptions were in fact sound.
  2. You prove yourself wrong later on.

If you find a contradiction to your initial assumption, you have to

  1. undo your mistake by backtracing to the place where you erroneously made the wrong decision and
  2. correct your assumption such that you do not make the same mistake over and over again.

In order to write a fixed-point pass, you have to inherit from FPPass. This pass expects two template parameters. The first one must be the very class you are currently implementing (this is known as CRTP in C++). The second one has the same purpose as the template parameter for rewrite passes and will most likely be Lam.


The rewrite works exactly as for rewrite passes. However, this time around, you are guessing that the most optimistic result will happen. If you prove yourself wrong afterwards, you will gradually ascend in a lattice until the fixed-point pass stabilizes. TODO




Other Hooks


Construct Valid Programs

It is important to always construct a valid program. Otherwise, bad things might happen as soon as you toss other passes into the mix. The reason is that the very program you are constructing is the only way to communicate with the other passes without directly sharing information.

Creating Mutables

Eventually, you will need to create mutables during a fixed-point pass. You must be super cautious to remember in which exact context you created said mutable. If you ever come into the same situation again (due to backtracking) you have to make sure that you return the very same mutable. Otherwise, if you create a different mutable, the PassMan will most likely diverge as it will constantly backtrack while creating new mutables that the other passes don't know anything about.