MimIR 0.1
MimIR is my Intermediate Representation
No Matches
The mem Plugin

See also


import compile;



This type tracks all kind of side-effects.

axm %mem.M: *;


Pointer type with pointee type T and address space a. At the moment, the address space is not really used and a placeholder for future work.

axm %mem.Ptr: [*, Nat] → *;
lam %mem.Ptr0(T: *): * = %mem.Ptr (T, 0);

Operations w/ Side Effects

The following operations have side effects. For this reason, they consume a %mem.M and yield a new %mem.M.


Loads from a pointer of type %mem.Ptr (T, a) the pointed value of type T.

axm %mem.load: {T: *, Nat} as Ta → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta] → [%mem.M, T], normalize_load;


Stores a value of type T to the location pointed to by a pointer of type %mem.Ptr (T, a),

axm %mem.store: {T: *, Nat} as Ta → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta, T] → %mem.M, normalize_store;


Creates a new dummy %mem.M-typed value in order to acknowledge the fact that some unspecified side-effect happened.

axm %mem.remem: %mem.M → %mem.M, normalize_remem;


Allocates memory of type T in address space a.

axm %mem.alloc: [*, Nat] as Ta → [%mem.M] → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta];


Reserves a memory slot for type T in address space a. id has to be provided a unique id.

axm %mem.slot: [*, Nat] as Ta → [%mem.M, id: Nat] → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta];


Allocates memory of type T in address space a. The difference to %mem.alloc is that the size is automatically inferred.

axm %mem.malloc: [*, Nat] as Ta → [%mem.M, Nat] → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta];


Frees memory of type T in address space a.

axm %mem.free: {*, Nat} as Ta → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta] → %mem.M;


Reserves a memory slot for type T in address space a. The reserved slot will be size bytes large. id has to be provided an unique id.

axm %mem.mslot: [*, Nat] as Ta → [%mem.M, size: Nat, id: Nat] → [%mem.M, %mem.Ptr Ta];

Operations w/o Side Effects


Load effective address. Performs address computation by offsetting the passed pointer with index i.

axm %mem.lea: [n: Nat, Ts: «n; *», a: Nat] → [%mem.Ptr («j: n; Ts#j», a), i: Idx n] → %mem.Ptr (Ts#i, a), normalize_lea;


Create side effect out of thin or pretend that the side effect does not exists.

Use with caution since you completely remove the %mem.M dependency.
let %mem.m = ⊤:%mem.M;
lam %mem.ignore {O: *} (_: %mem.M, o: O): O = o;
lam %mem.rm (n: Nat, Is: «n; *», O: *)
(f: [%mem.M, «i: n; Is#i»] → [%mem.M, O])
(is: «i: n; Is#i»): O
= %mem.ignore (f (%mem.m, is));

Passes and Phases


Reshape mode enum.

axm %mem.reshape_mode: *;
axm %mem.reshape_flat: %mem.reshape_mode;
axm %mem.reshape_arg: %mem.reshape_mode;


SSA pass expects eta expansion as argument

axm %mem.ssa_pass: %compile.Pass → %compile.Pass;

Copy propagation expects beta reduction and eta expansion as argument.

axm %mem.copy_prop_pass: [%compile.Pass, %compile.Pass, Bool] → %compile.Pass;
axm %mem.remem_elim_pass: %compile.Pass;
axm %mem.alloc2malloc_pass: %compile.Pass;
axm %mem.reshape_pass: %mem.reshape_mode → %compile.Pass;


axm %mem.add_mem_phase: %compile.Phase;
let mem_opt_pass_list =
let beta_red = %compile.beta_red_pass;
let eta_red = %compile.eta_red_pass;
let eta_exp = %compile.eta_exp_pass eta_red;
(%mem.ssa_pass eta_exp)
(%mem.copy_prop_pass (beta_red, eta_exp, ff));
let mem_opt_phase = %compile.pass_phase mem_opt_pass_list;
let mem_prep_phase = %compile.passes_to_phase (⊤:Nat) (%mem.remem_elim_pass, %mem.alloc2malloc_pass);