MimIR 0.1
MimIR is my Intermediate Representation
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cmim::AnnexHolds info about an entity defined within a Plugin (called Annex)
 Cautomaton::AutomatonBase< NodeType >
 Cautomaton::AutomatonBase< DFANode >
 Cautomaton::AutomatonBase< NFANode >
 Cmim::CFAControl Flow Analysis
 Cmim::CFG< bool >A Control-Flow Graph
 Cmim::CFG< forward >
 Cmim::CFNodeA Control-Flow Node
 Cmim::plug::clos::ClosLitWrapper around a Def that can be used to match closures (see isa_clos_lit)
 Cmim::PooledSet< T >::Data
 Cmim::DomFrontierBase< forward >A Dominance Frontier Graph
 Cmim::DomTreeBase< bool >A Dominance Tree
 Cmim::Elem< R, F >
 Cmim::PooledSet< T >::Data::Equal
 Cmim::FlagsCompiler switches that must be saved and looked up in later phases of compilation
 Cmim::plug::clos::FreeDefAnaTransitively compute free Def's on demand
 Cmim::World::FreezerUse to World::freeze and automatically unfreeze at the end of scope
 Cmim::GIDEq< T >
 Cmim::GIDHash< T >
 Cmim::GIDLt< T >
 Cmim::IndexMap< Indexer, Key, Value >
 Cmim::IndexMap< const mim::CFNode * >
 Cmim::IndexSet< Indexer, Key >
 Cmim::Vector< Value >
 Cmim::Vector< uint64_t >
 Cmim::Vector< const mim::CFNode * >
 Cmim::Vector< const Def * >
 Cmim::Vector< void * >
 Cmim::Vector< T, N, A >This is a thin wrapper for absl::InlinedVector<T, N, / A> which in turn is a drop-in replacement for std::vector<T, A>
 Cabsl::InlinedVector< std::unique_ptr< mim::LoopTree::Base >, Default_Inlined_Size< std::unique_ptr< mim::LoopTree::Base > >, std::allocator< std::unique_ptr< mim::LoopTree::Base > > >
 Cmim::Vector< std::unique_ptr< mim::LoopTree::Base > >
 Cstd::tuple_size< mim::Span< T, N > >
 Cmim::LogFacility to log what you are doing
 Cmim::LoopTree< forward >Calculates a loop nesting forest rooted at LoopTree::root_
 Cmim::LoopTreeBuilder< forward >
 Cmim::Axiom::Match< T >Type of Match::def_
 Cmim::Match< Id, D >
 Cmim::ast::ParserParses Mim code as AST
 Cmim::PassAll Passes that want to be registered in the PassMan must implement this interface
 Cmim::RWPass< DebugDump, Lam >
 CDebugDumpA pass that just dumps the world
 Cmim::RWPass< BetaRed, Def >
 Cmim::FPPass< BetaRed, Def >
 Cmim::BetaRedOptimistically performs β-reduction (aka inlining)
 Cmim::RWPass< EtaExp, Lam >
 Cmim::FPPass< EtaExp, Lam >
 Cmim::EtaExpPerforms η-expansion: f -> λx.f x, if f is a Lam with more than one user and does not appear in callee position
 Cmim::RWPass< EtaRed, Def >
 Cmim::FPPass< EtaRed, Def >
 Cmim::EtaRedPerforms η-reduction
 Cmim::RWPass< P, Def >
 Cmim::FPPass< P, M >Inherit from this class using CRTP, if you do need a Pass with a state and a fixed-point
 Cmim::RWPass< LamSpec, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< RetWrap, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< Scalarize, Lam >
 Cmim::ScalarizePerform Scalarization (= Argument simplification)
 Cmim::RWPass< TailRecElim, Lam >
 Cmim::FPPass< TailRecElim, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< LowerFor, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::affine::LowerForLowers the for axiom to actual control flow in CPS
 Cmim::RWPass< AutoDiffEval, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::autodiff::AutoDiffEvalThis pass is the heart of AD
 Cmim::RWPass< AutoDiffZero, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::autodiff::AutoDiffZeroReplaces calls to the zero axioms with actual zeros
 Cmim::RWPass< AutoDiffZeroCleanup, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::autodiff::AutoDiffZeroCleanupReplaces remaining zeros (not resolvable) with ⊥
 Cmim::RWPass< BranchClosElim, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< Clos2SJLJ, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< ClosConvPrep, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< LowerTypedClosPrep, Lam >
 Cmim::FPPass< LowerTypedClosPrep, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< DebugPrint, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< InternalCleanup, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< CPS2DS, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::direct::CPS2DSThis is the second part of ds2cps
 Cmim::RWPass< DS2CPS, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::direct::DS2CPSConverts direct style function to cps functions
 Cmim::RWPass< LowerMatrixHighLevelMapRed, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::matrix::LowerMatrixHighLevelMapRedResolves lowering of high level operations into medium/other high-level operations
 Cmim::RWPass< LowerMatrixMediumLevel, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::matrix::LowerMatrixMediumLevelIn this step, we lower map_reduce operations into affine for loops making the iteration scheme explicit
 Cmim::RWPass< Alloc2Malloc, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< CopyProp, Lam >
 Cmim::FPPass< CopyProp, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::mem::CopyPropThis FPPass is similar to sparse conditional constant propagation (SCCP)
 Cmim::RWPass< RememElim, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< Reshape, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::mem::ReshapeThe general idea of this pass/phase is to change the shape of signatures of functions
 Cmim::RWPass< SSAConstr, Lam >
 Cmim::FPPass< SSAConstr, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::mem::SSAConstrSSA construction algorithm that promotes slots, loads, and stores to SSA values
 Cmim::RWPass< RemoveDbgPerm, Lam >
 Cmim::plug::refly::RemoveDbgPermRemoves all refly.debug.perm markers for code gen
 Cmim::RWPass< LowerRegex, Lam >
 Cmim::RWPass< P, M >Inherit from this class using CRTP, if your Pass does not need state and a fixed-point iteration
 Cmim::PassManAn optimizer that combines several optimizations in an optimal way
 Cmim::PhaseAs opposed to a Pass, a Phase does one thing at a time and does not mix with other Phases
 Cmim::CleanupRemoves unreachable and dead code by rebuilding the whole World into a new one and swapping afterwards
 Cmim::ClosedMutPhase< M >Transitively visits all reachable closed mutables (Def::is_closed()) in World
 Cmim::PassManPhaseWraps a PassMan pipeline as a Phase
 Cmim::PassPhase< P >Wraps a Pass as a Phase
 Cmim::PipelineOrganizes several Phases as a pipeline
 Cmim::RWPhaseVisits the current Phase::world and constructs a new RWPhase::world along the way
 Cmim::FPPhaseLike a RWPhase but starts with a fixed-point loop of FPPhase::analyze beforehand
 Cmim::plug::matrix::LowerMatrixLowLevelIn this phase, we lower all matrix operations and types to the low-level representation using pointers
 Cmim::ScopePhaseTransitively visits all reachable Scopes in World that do not have free variables
 Cmim::Emitter< std::string, std::string, BB, Emitter >
 Cmim::Emitter< Value, Type, BB, Child >
 Cmim::plug::mem::AddMemThis phase adds mems to all lambdas and continuations
 Cmim::plug::clos::ClosConvPerforms typed closure conversion
 Cmim::plug::clos::LowerTypedClosThis pass lowers typed closures to untyped closures
 Cmim::PluginBasic info and registration function pointer to be returned from a specific plugin
 Cmim::World::State::PODPlain Old Data
 Cmim::Pool< T >Maintains PooledSets within a fe::Arena and unifies them in a absl::flat_hash_set
 Cmim::Pool< const mim::Var * >
 Cmim::Pool< mim::Def * >
 Cmim::PooledSet< T >Ordered set maintained in a consecutive buffer and unified in Pool
 Cmim::PooledSet< const Var * >
 Cmim::PooledSet< Def * >
 Cmim::ast::R< T >
 Cmim::RefHelper class to retrieve Infer::arg if present
 Cmim::IndexSet< Indexer, Key >::reference
 Cmim::ResUtility class when folding constants in normalizers
 Cmim::RewriterRecurseivly rewrites part of a program into the provided World
 Cmim::RWPhaseVisits the current Phase::world and constructs a new RWPhase::world along the way
 Cmim::DefBase class for all Defs
 Cmim::AcConstructs a Meet value
 Cmim::ArrA (possibly paramterized) Array
 Cmim::BoundCommon base for TBound
 Cmim::TBound< Up >Specific Bound depending on Up
 Cmim::ExtCommon base for TExtremum
 Cmim::TExt< Up >Extremum. Either Top (Up) or Bottom
 Cmim::ExtractExtracts from a Sigma or Array-typed Extract::tuple the element at position Extract::index
 Cmim::IdxA built-in constant of type .Nat -> *
 Cmim::InferThis node is a hole in the IR that is inferred by its context later on
 Cmim::InsertCreates a new Tuple / Pack by inserting Insert::value at position Insert::index into Insert::tuple
 Cmim::LamA function
 Cmim::PackA (possibly paramterized) Tuple
 Cmim::PiA dependent function type
 Cmim::PickPicks the aspect of a Meet [value](Pick::value) by its [type](Def::type)
 Cmim::SigmaA dependent tuple type
 Cmim::SingletonA singleton wraps a type into a higher order type
 Cmim::TestTest whether Test::value currently holds type Test::probe:
 Cmim::TupleData constructor for a Sigma
 Cmim::VelConstructs a Join value
 Cmim::LoopTree< forward >::BaseRepresents a node of a loop nesting forest
 Cmim::LoopTree< forward >::HeadA Head owns further nodes as children
 Cmim::LoopTree< forward >::LeafA Leaf only holds a single CFNode and does not have any children
 Cmim::ast::GrpPtrndbg_0 ... dbg_n-2 id where id = dbg_n-1: type
 Cmim::ast::IdPtrndbg: type
 Cmim::ast::TuplePtrndbg::(ptrn_0, ..., ptrn_n-1) or dbg::[ptrn_0, ..., ptrn_n-1]
 Cmim::ast::AxiomDecl.ax ptrn: type = value;
 Cmim::ast::CDecl.cfun dbg dom -> codom
 Cmim::ast::LetDecl.let ptrn: type = value;
 Cmim::ast::RecDecl.rec dbg: type = body
 Cmim::ast::LamDeclOne of:
 Cmim::ast::AppExprcallee arg
 Cmim::ast::ArrOrPackExpr< arr >«dbg: shape; body» or ‹dbg: shape; body›
 Cmim::ast::ArrowExprdom -> codom
 Cmim::ast::DeclExprdecls e or e .where decls if where is true
 Cmim::ast::InsertExpr.ins(tuple, index, value)
 Cmim::ast::LamExprWraps a LamDecl as Expr
 Cmim::ast::PiExprOne of:
 Cmim::ast::RetExpr.ret ptrn = callee $ arg; body
 Cmim::ast::SigmaExprJust wraps TuplePtrn as Expr
 Cmim::ast::TupleExpr(elem_0, ..., elem_n-1)
 Cmim::ast::TypeExpr.Type level
 Cmim::ScopeA Scope represents a region of Defs that are live from the view of an entry's Var
 Cmim::Span< T, N >This is a thin wrapper for std::span<T, N> with the following additional features:
 Cmim::DriverSome "global" variables needed all over the place
 Cmim::TabKeeps track of indentation level
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, mim::Span< T, N > >
 Cmim::unique_queue< Set >
 Cmim::unique_stack< Set >
 Cmim::UseReferences a user
 Cmim::detail::w2f_< int >
 Cmim::detail::w2f_< 16 >
 Cmim::detail::w2f_< 32 >
 Cmim::detail::w2f_< 64 >
 Cmim::detail::w2s_< int >
 Cmim::detail::w2s_< 1 >See above
 Cmim::detail::w2s_< 16 >
 Cmim::detail::w2s_< 32 >
 Cmim::detail::w2s_< 64 >
 Cmim::detail::w2s_< 8 >
 Cmim::detail::w2u_< int >
 Cmim::detail::w2u_< 1 >Map both signed 1 and unsigned 1 to bool
 Cmim::detail::w2u_< 16 >
 Cmim::detail::w2u_< 32 >
 Cmim::detail::w2u_< 64 >
 Cmim::detail::w2u_< 8 >
 Cmim::WorldThe World represents the whole program and manages creation of MimIR nodes (Defs)
 CDefMap< mim::std::string >
 CDefMap< std::string >
 CLamMap< BB >
 Clist< DFANode >
 Clist< NFANode >