MimIR 0.1
MimIR is my Intermediate Representation
No Matches
The core Plugin

See also


.plugin mem;

Nat Operations


Standard arithmetic operations on .Nats.
%core.nat.sub (a, b) yields 0, if a < b.

.ax %core.nat(add, sub, mul): «2; .Nat» -> .Nat, normalize_nat;


Nat comparison is made of 3 disjoint relations:

  • Greater
  • Less
  • Equal
Subtag Alias G L E Meaning
gle f o o o always false
glE e o o x equal
gLe l o x o less
gLE le o x x less or equal
Gle g x o o greater
GlE ge x o x greater or equal
GLe ne x x o not equal
GLE t x x x always true
.ax %core.ncmp(gle = f, glE = e, gLe = l, gLE = le,
Gle = g, GlE = ge, GLe = ne, GLE = t):
«2; .Nat» -> .Bool, normalize_ncmp;

Integer Operations

Integer operations use .Idx s as type. This is per se neither signed nor unsigned. Instead, the operations themselves exhibit signed or unsigned behavior.


A common problem when dealing with integer operations is overflow. All operations that may overflow have an additional parameter m - mode - of type .Nat that determines the exact desired behavior in the case of an overflow.

.let %core.mode.us = 0b00; // wrap around - both signed and unsigned
.let %core.mode.uS = 0b01; // no signed wrap around
.let %core.mode.Us = 0b10; // no unsigned wrap around
.let %core.mode.US = 0b11; // no signed and unsigned wrap around
.let %core.mode.nuw = %core.mode.Us;
.let %core.mode.nsw = %core.mode.uS;
.let %core.mode.nusw = %core.mode.US;


Creates a literal of type .Idx s from l while obeying mode m.

.ax %core.idx: Π[s: .Nat][m: .Nat][l: .Nat] -> .Idx s, normalize_idx;


This unary bitwise operations offers all 4 possible operations as summarized in the following table:

Subtag A a Comment
f o o always false
neg o x negate
id x o identity
t x x always true
.ax %core.bit1(f, neg, id, t): Π.[s: .Nat][m: .Nat][.Idx s] -> .Idx s, normalize_bit1;


This binary bitwise operations offers all 16 possible operations as summarized in the following table:

Subtag AB Ab aB ab Comment
f o o o o always false
nor o o o x not or
nciff o o x o not converse implication
nfst o o x x not first argument
niff o x o o not implication
nsnd o x o x not second argument
xor_ o x x o exclusive or
nand o x x x not and
and_ x o o o and
nxor x o o x not exclusive or
snd x o x o second argument
iff x o x x implication (if and only if)
fst x x o o first argument
ciff x x o x converse implication
or_ x x x o or
t x x x x always true
.ax %core.bit2( f, nor, nciff, nfst, niff, nsnd, xor_, nand,
and_, nxor, snd, iff, fst, ciff, or_, t):
Π.[s: .Nat][m: .Nat][«2; .Idx s»] -> .Idx s , normalize_bit2;


Shift right:

.ax %core.shr(a, l): Π.[s: .Nat][«2; .Idx s»] -> .Idx s, normalize_shr;


Integer operations that may overflow. You can specify the desired behavior in the case of an overflow with the curried argument just in front of the actual argument by providing a mim::plug::core::Mode as .Nat.

.ax %core.wrap(add, sub, mul, shl): Π.[s: .Nat][m: .Nat][«2; .Idx s»] -> .Idx s, normalize_wrap;
.lam %core.minus.(s: .Nat)(m: .Nat)(a: .Idx s): .Idx s = %core.wrap.sub m (0:(.Idx s), a);


Signed and unsigned Integer division/remainder.

Division by zero is undefined behavior and a visible side effect. For this reason, these axioms expect a %mem.M.
.ax %core.div(sdiv, udiv, srem, urem):
Π.[s: .Nat][%mem.M, «2; .Idx s»] -> [%mem.M, .Idx s], normalize_div;


Integer comparison is made of 5 disjoint relations:

  • X: first operand plus, second minus
  • Y: first operand minus, second plus
  • G: greater with same sign
  • L: less with same sign
  • E: equal

Here is the complete picture for %core.icmp.xygle x, y for 3 bit wide integers:

x y
binary 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
unsigned 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
signed 0 1 2 3 -4 -3 -2 -1
000 0 0 E L L L X X X X
001 1 1 G E L L X X X X
010 2 2 G G E L X X X X
011 3 3 G G G E X X X X
100 4 -4 Y Y Y Y E L L L
101 5 -3 Y Y Y Y G E L L
110 6 -2 Y Y Y Y G G E L
111 7 -1 Y Y Y Y G G G E

And here is the overview of all possible combinations of relations. Note the aliases you can use for the common integer comparisions front-ends typically want to use:

Subtag Alias X Y G L E Meaning
xygle f o o o o o always false
xyglE e o o o o x equal
xygLe o o o x o less (same sign)
xyglE o o o x x less or equal
xyGle o o x o o greater (same sign)
xyGlE o o x o x greater or equal
xyGLe o o x x o greater or less
xyGLE o o x x x greater or less or equal == same sign
xYgle o x o o o minus plus
xYglE o x o o x minus plus or equal
xYgLe sl o x o x o signed less
xYglE sle o x o x x signed less or equal
xYGle ug o x x o o unsigned greater
xYGlE uge o x x o x unsigned greater or equal
xYGLe o x x x o minus plus or greater or less
xYGLE o x x x x not plus minus
Xygle x o o o o plus minus
XyglE x o o o x plus minus or equal
XygLe ul x o o x o unsigned less
XyglE ule x o o x x unsigned less or equal
XyGle sg x o x o o signed greater
XyGlE sge x o x o x signed greater or equal
XyGLe x o x x o greater or less or plus minus
XyGLE x o x x x not minus plus
XYgle x x o o o different sign
XYglE x x o o x different sign or equal
XYgLe x x o x o signed or unsigned less
XYglE x x o x x signed or unsigned less or equal == not greater
XYGle x x x o o signed or unsigned greater
XYGlE x x x o x signed or unsigned greater or equal == not less
XYGLe ne x x x x o not equal
XYGLE t x x x x x always true
.ax %core.icmp(xygle = f, xyglE = e, xygLe, xygLE,
xyGle, xyGlE, xyGLe, xyGLE,
xYgle, xYglE, xYgLe = sl, xYgLE = sle,
xYGle = ug, xYGlE = uge, xYGLe, xYGLE,
Xygle, XyglE, XygLe = ul, XygLE = ule,
XyGle = sg, XyGlE = sge, XyGLe, XyGLE,
XYgle, XYglE, XYgLe, XYgLE,
XYGle, XYGlE, XYGLe = ne, XYGLE = t):
Π.[s: .Nat][«2; .Idx s»] -> .Bool , normalize_icmp;


Minimum and Maximum of two Integers

  • unsigned or Signed
  • minimum or Maximum
.ax %core.extrema(sm=umin, sM=umax, Sm=smin, SM=smax): Π.[s:.Nat][.Idx s,.Idx s] -> .Idx s, normalize_extrema;


Absolute value of an int

Computing the absolute value of an Integer with the lowest possible value leads to undefined behavior, which is why this axiom expects a %mem.M
.ax %core.abs: Π.[s:.Nat][%mem.M, .Idx s] -> [%mem.M, .Idx s], normalize_abs;



Conversion between index types - both signed and unsigned - of different sizes.

.ax %core.conv(s, u): Π.[ss: .Nat][ds: .Nat][.Idx ss] -> .Idx ds, normalize_conv;


Bitcast to reinterpret a value as another type. Can be used for pointer / integer conversions as well as integer / nat conversions.

.ax %core.bitcast: Π.[S: *][D: *][S] -> D, normalize_bitcast;

Other Operations


Yields the size or align of a type.

.ax %core.trait(size, align): * -> .Nat, normalize_trait;


Steers the partial evaluator.

.ax %core.pe(hlt, run): Π [T: *][T] -> T, normalize_pe;
.ax %core.pe(known): Π.[T: *][T] -> .Bool, normalize_pe;


Zips several tensors.

For now, not a better place for this and will be moved elsewhere. What is more, the signature will likely change in the future:
  • r: rank of the tensors to zip
  • s: shape of the tensors to zip
  • n_i: number if inputs
  • n_o: number if outputs
  • Is: tuple with n_i many elements that describe the element types of the inputs
  • Os: tuple with n_o many elements that describe the element types of the outputs
  • f: zipping function that expects an n_i-tuple whose elements correspond to Is and yields an n_o-tuple whose element types correspond to Os
  • is: the actual input tensors
.ax %core.zip: Π [r: .Nat, s: «r; .Nat»]
[n_i: .Nat, Is: «n_i; *», n_o: .Nat, Os: «n_o; *», f: «i: n_i; Is#i» -> «o: n_o; Os#o»]
[is: «i: n_i; «s; Is#i»»] -> «o: n_o; «s; Os#o»», normalize_zip;