MimIR 0.1
MimIR is my Intermediate Representation
No Matches
Coding & Debugging

This document comprises some information that is related to coding but not directly to the API.

Coding Style

Use the following coding conventions:

  • Class/Type names in CamelCase.
  • Constants as defined in an enum or via static const in Camel_Snake_Case.
  • Macro names in SNAKE_IN_ALL_CAPS.
  • Everything else like variables, functions, etc. in snake_case.
  • Use a trailing underscore suffix for a private_or_protected_member_variable_.
  • Methods/functions that return a bool should be prefixed with is_.
  • Methods/functions that return a std::optional or a pointer that may be nullptr should be prefixed with isa_.
  • Don't do that for a public_member_variable.
  • Use struct for plain old data.
  • Use class for everything else.
  • Prefer // C++-style comments over /* C-style comments */.
  • Use #pragma once as guard for headers.
  • Visibility groups in this order:
    1. public
    2. protected
    3. private

Doxygen Style

  • Use /// three slashes for Doxygen.
  • Use Markdown-style Doxygen comments.
  • Group your functions etc. via named member groups into logical units.
  • Capitalize the group name unless it is directly named after a method.

For all the other minute details like indentation width etc. use clang-format and the provided .clang-format file in the root of the repository. In order to run clang-format automatically on all changed files, switch to the provided pre-commit hook:

pre-commit install

Note that you can disable clang-format for a piece of code. In addition, you might want to check out plugins like the Vim integration.


Here is an example for a header that follows above conventions:

#pragma once
namespace mim {
/// This is a cool class.
class Foo {
Foo(int foo, int bar)
: foo_(foo)
, bar_(bar) {}
/// @name Getters
int foo() const { return foo_; }
int bar() const { return bar_; }
int foo_;
int bar_;
} // namespace mim
Definition cfg.h:11


See also
Command-Line Reference
GDB: A quick guide to make your debugging easier
Advanced GDB Usage
Debugging with GDB


Note that you can simply invoke

from within GDB:

(gdb) call def->dump()
(gdb) call def->dump(0)
(gdb) call def->dump(3)
(gdb) call world().write("out.mim")

In particular, note the different output levels of mim::Def::dump. What is more, you can adjust the output behavior directly from within GDB by modifying mim::World::flags or mim::World::log:

(gdb) call world.flags().dump_gid = 1
(gdb) call world.flags().dump_recursive = 1
(gdb) call world().log().max_level_ = 4

Another useful feature is to retrieve a Def* from a mim::Def::gid via mim::World::gid2def:

(gdb) p world.gid2def(123);
$1 = ...
(gdb) $1->dump();

Display DOT

scripts/xdot.gdb provides custom GDB commands to create a DOT graph and display it through xdot. Just source scripts/xdot.gdb in your ~/.gdbinit:

source ~/mim/scripts/xdot.gdb

Here is the xdot GDB command in action:

Generates DOT output for the given EXP and invokes xdot.
Usage: xdot EXP [MAX] [TYPES]
EXP Must provide $EXP->dot(file, $MAX, $TYPES).
MAX Maximum recursion depth while following a Def's ops.
Default: 0xFFFFFFFF.
TYPES Follow type dependencies?
Default: 0 (no)
xdot def - Show full DOT graph of 'def' but ignore type dependencies.
xdot ref.def_ - As above but on a Ref.
xdot def 3 - As above but use recursion depth of 3.
xdot def 3 1 - As above but follow type dependencies.
Generates DOT output for the given argument and invokes xdot while always
following type dependencies.
Usage: xdott EXP [MAX]
Same as: xdot EXP $MAX 1
Generates DOT output for the given World and invokes xdot.
Usage: xdotw WORLD [ANNEXES] [TYPES]
WORLD Must provide $WORLD.dot(file, $ANNEXES, $TYPES).
ANNEXES Include all annexes - even if unused?
Default: 0 (no)
TYPES Follow type dependencies?
Default: 0 (no)
xdotw expects the address of the World.
Show DOT graph of 'world' - ignoring type dependencies and unused annexes.
xdotw &def->world()
Show full DOT graph of 'world' including types and all annexes.
xdotw &def->world() 1 1

Conditional Breakpoints

Often, you will want to inspect a certain mim::Def at a particular point within the program. You can use conditional breakpoints for this. For example, the following GDB command will break, if the mim::Def::gid of variable def is 42 in source code location foo.cpp:23:

break foo.cpp:23 if def->gid() == 42

Catching Throw

For several things like errors in the Mim frontend, MimIR relies on C++ exceptions for error handling. Do this to encounter them within GDB:

catch throw

Valgrind & GDB

If you encounter memory related problems, you might want to run the program with Valgrind's GDB server. Launch the program like this

valgrind --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 mim-gtest

and follow the instructions.

VS Code

As a utility to make debugging MimIR itself less painful with certain debuggers, the mim.natvis file can be loaded for getting more expressive value inspection. In VS Code you can do so by adding the following to the launch.json configurations. When launching from VS Code via CMake, put it in settings.json's "cmake.debugConfig"::

"visualizerFile": "${workspaceFolder}/mim.natvis",
"showDisplayString": true,


lit Tests

Run the lit testsuite with:

cmake --build build -t lit

You can manually invoke the lit tests like this and maybe filter for a specific test:

cd lit
./lit ../build/lit -a --filter foo.mim

If your build directory, is in fact build you can use the probe.sh script:

cd lit
../scripts/probe.sh foo.mim


Run the GoogleTest unit tests within the build folder with:


In addition, you can enable Valgrind with:

ctest -T memcheck

During debugging you probably only want to run a specifig test case. You can filter the test cases like this:

./mim-gtest --gtest_filter="*Loc*"

This command lists all available tests:

./mim-gtest --gtest_list_tests

In addition, you may find it helpful to turn assertion failures into debugger breakpoints:

./mim-test --gtest_break_on_failure

Syntax Highlighting

This Vim plugin provides syntax highlighting for Mim files.

New Plugins

Check out the demo plugin for a minimalistic plugin. You can create a new in-tree plugin foobar based upon the demo plugin like this:

./scripts/new_plugin.sh foobar

Third-Party Plugins

After installing MimIR, third-party plugins just need to find the mim package to use your plugin foo:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20 FATAL_ERROR)


cmake .. -Dmim_DIR=<MIM_INSTALL_PREFIX>/lib/cmake/mim

to configure the project.


Registers a new MimIR plugin.

[SOURCES <source>...]
[PRIVATE <private-item>...]

The <plugin-name> is the name of the plugin. This means, there should be relative to the plugin's CMakeLists.txt a file <plugin-name>.mim containing annexes. The command will create two targets:

  1. mim_internal_<plugin-name>

    This is an internal target to bootstrap the plugin. It will generate: _<plugin-name>/autogen.h for the C++ interface in order to identify annexes, _ <plugin-name>.md, for the documentation, and * <plugin-name>.d for the plugin's dependencies.

    Tracking dependencies via the emitted dependency file is not supported for all CMake generators. See add_custom_command's DEPFILE argument.
  2. mim_<plugin-name>

    This is the actual MODULE library.


      These are the <source> files used to build the loadable plugin containing normalizers, passes, and backends. One of the source files must export the mim_get_plugin function.


      Furthermore, you can specify additional <private-item> build dependencies.


    Specify, if the plugin description, plugin and headers shall be installed with make install. To export the targets, the export name mim-targets has to be exported accordingly (see install(EXPORT ..))

You can specify additional properties in the plugin's CMakeLists.txt. For example, the following snippet adds additional include paths for the MODULE mim_<plugin-name> target:

target_include_directories(mim_<plugin-name> <path>...)