MimIR 0.1
MimIR is my Intermediate Representation
No Matches
mim::Pool< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for mim::Pool< T >, including all inherited members.

create(T elem)mim::Pool< T >inline
create(I begin, I end)mim::Pool< T >inline
erase(PooledSet< T > a, const T &elem)mim::Pool< T >inline
insert(PooledSet< T > a, const T &elem)mim::Pool< T >inline
intersect(PooledSet< T > a, PooledSet< T > b)mim::Pool< T >inline
merge(PooledSet< T > a, PooledSet< T > b)mim::Pool< T >inline
operator=(const Pool &)=deletemim::Pool< T >
Pool()=defaultmim::Pool< T >
Pool(const Pool &)=deletemim::Pool< T >
Pool(Pool &&other)mim::Pool< T >inline
swap(Pool &p1, Pool &p2) noexceptmim::Pool< T >friend